Will there even be a trial? He's already confessed to the crime and from what I understand, is walking the police through a reenactment of the crime today or tomorrow. Considering the girl was from a well-known and wealthy family, I'd imagine there's gonna be a ton of people in prison that would have no problem offing this kid for a payoff or favor. Granted, all of my understanding of Peruvian prison comes from Locked Up Abroad, but unless he can get some sort of protective custody (which seems unlikely), this guy is fucked. The only thing he'd be subject to prosecution for in the US is for some fraud attempt related to giving up details of the Holloway killing in exchange for a ton of money. I haven't read many details about this one but I doubt Peru would be willing to extradite the murderer of one of its citizens to face fraud charges in the US. Also, Aruba doesn't have the death penalty, so even if he confessed to killing Natalie Holloway, I doubt they would extradite him in that case either. Hopefully Peruvian prison is a death sentence for him anyway. Good riddance.
Without a doubt. I've been saying this since the most recent story broke. There is absolutely no way these are the only two girls he's raped and killed. Just no way. As much as it sucks that he got away with Holloway's murder, the extra 5 years of freedom might be worth it to know that he'll be rotting away in a Peruvian prison rather than an American or Aruban one.
Fuck paying for that kind of thing. He's gonna get worse on his own for free. As I understand it, guys like him get pounded harder than any nail in the floor they stand on.
I know what you're referring to, but that's a personal story that Norm MacDonald shared with Adam a few years back on the radio. It has nothing to do with Van der Sloot, but Ace randomly mentioned it when Teresa was talking about the Sloot news story. Norm felt horrible about doing it (I think he was a teenager at the time), but as with all stories by him, it still sounded absolutely hysterical. Focus- You would think that with a judge as a father allowing you to get away with murder the first time, you would be thankful and wise up. Nope.
Ha! If his father was willing to overlook something like fuckin' murder, then I'm reasonably sure he didn't help his son brush up on the concept of second chances.
Yes, but his father died earlier this year, and with that, his protection was gone. He still had that same bullet-proof mindset, though.
I actually got kicked out of the Carlos and Charlies in Aruba a few years ago. Something about climbing the DJ booth to request some Eddie Money song and knocking over a table full of glasses and bottles that proceeded to shatter. The details are hazy. Fun fucking time though.
Fuck Spencer Pratt. I'm pretty sure they should get Nick Stahl to play him in the movie. They're identically ugly.
Focus:If he's a really lucky he can be granted to serve his jail time in a dutch prison. The Netherlands has agreements with certain countries to give dutch inmates a chance to be able to serve their sentence in Holland. Currently there is no such contract with Peru but the media reported that is in the making, so he could make use of it when it finally comes through. Looking at the Peruvian overcrowded jail system where Joran is a big liability to the state i can see this happening. And for people who did not know, he is not being accused yet, because they are awaiting a Colombian investigation of two missing girls spotted on surveillance tapes with him. This guy is an utter trainwreck, there are currently stories showing up in the paper of him blackmailing the mother of Natalee. He said he would show her the dump site if she paid him 250.000. Of course FBI got involved, he got 25.000 up front but the site was empty so he was not arrested? He has also been in another sting operation of Peter R. de Vries (The guy that managed to get an informant to make Joran confess the first time.) where he was supposedly shown to be involved with human trafficking in South-East Asia. Now gambling in South-America, I would not be surprised if it came out this guy was / is a serial killer. I hope that he serves some hard time in Peru and that our new government will strongly think about what shitstorm awaits them if they bring Joran to here.
It's probably been said before, but for a guy who commits sex crimes, 'van der Sloot' is a hell of a name.