Freshman year: went home, drank Sophomore year: stayed on campus, drank Junior year: went camping and canoeing in the Ozarks, drank (1 van, 4 couples--it was actually a really great trip) Senior year: stayed on campus, drank This year: taking my oldest daughter to look at colleges. Life in the fastlane.
ALT FOCUS: Tell your best spring break stories. College was the best 6 1/2 years of my life, partially because of the Spring Break trips, mostly to Panama City Beach (aka the Redneck Riviera). All of the stories are pretty similar to each other and to standard college stuff involving copious amounts of alcohol, titties, 12 people in a hotel room, mechanical bulls and passing out in the sand naked. You know - debauchery. However, one of my fondest memories was of one of my fraternity brothers saving my ass. I was on the roof of the cheap hotel next to ours - well, it was the roof of the carport for the check in. They had one of those signs with the changeable letters and the flashing arrow. I was mixing up the letters that had spelled "Vacancy. Air conditioner. Cable TV. Free HBO" or whatever to say "Drink Beer and Eat Pussy" or some such thing. A cop came out of the hotel, because somebody had called them to report my activity. My "lookout" buddy was able to create a fantastic noisy distraction, making the cop look at him, and not me climbing down the other side, until I was safely running away. I need to buy him another beer, now that I think about it.
Can't argue with that, and I love some good naked hot tubbing, but most of the clubs in these mexican resort towns have deals where you pay $20 and drink all night. You get a little wristband to show you paid, and by the end of the trip, most kids had like 12 wristbands on, running up their arms. Most of us wore them the first day back at school, too, show how cool we were or something, I guess.
Mexico is one of the cheapest countries in the Western Hemisphere to get wasted in. They have 3 for 1 happy hours in most bars, the superclubs are all-you-can drink for a cheap admission price, and I've never heard any sort of tequila shot coming even close to $10 down there. Besides, I'd rather slam a car door on my hand that pay for a march break week where I'm surrounded by fucking SNOW. Blech.
I'm too old to participate in the joys of Spring Break, but I did have a wicked time in Puerto Vallarta when I was 18. While my top did not come off in a group setting, I entered a bikini contest and got 2nd, after my friend got 1st. Then we went to some weird nightclub and bought a large amount of blow for $20, it was the best I've ever inhaled.
You fuckers are boring, unfortunately so am I. I live in Houston, been to South Padre for Spring Break 4 times, all 4 times are 1 big blur from the time we got there until 2 days after I got home. The parts I remember: sex in the ocean, sex in a shower, drinking everywhere, girls naked everywhere, guys naked everywhere, people passed out everywhere, all kinds of drinking games everywhere, and guys and girls of all ages partying non stop for 7 days straight. I believe 1 year our beach house went through $5,000 in alcohol for the week. That was a rough 3 day hangover after that year.