Here's a picture of my old office. My new one looks just about the same except it's upstairs with a door, so if I want I can look at nsfw stuff without having to hear shit about it.
My desk at work. Why do I have 3 computers? Great question! The one on the right is the so called "supercomputer" that my group got (ridiculous specs) and runs Windows XP 64 bit. The one on the bottom left is my old one that is regular Win XP but runs some programs that the 64 bit doesn't. The one on the top left is the old school one that connects us to a national database of prescription information. For some reason, they won't let us install the software on each of our PCs, so I'm stuck with the ancient machine.
This is my work office - nothing too exciting, unless you get off on legal reporters. Or lesbian librarians. Whatever.
Me, my little brother, and our other young producer were just moved into a new office together. Here is my desk: And here is my view of the rest of the office. And yes, we do have a boars head. And a duck.
Nope, it's the handle of a file spike, colloquially known as a pig stabber. Here's a full pic. I swiped it from the first legal office I worked at, and it's roughly like an ice pick.
These were the only pictures I had. Myself and twelve other carpenters put up all the woodwork in the main lobby, main hallway and the doors on the first three floors. The Grand Waikikiian in Waikiki. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ikian.html</a> This was the main hallway, in progress. This is the Porte Cochere with the crazy 12" crown moulding. We were about fifty feet off the ground.
My desk, right across you can see the part owners desk. Some parts/reference books. The computer at the counter, even more reference book, tools/msc. and automotive mostly. The other computer at the counter, look more books. Industrial(gauges/filter assembly/..) and marine(volvo/cummins/dda/..) heavy duty(brakes/air systems/suspension).
The home office. What's not seen is the other table with 4 other monitors. The Executive Urinal and Conference Room is down on the dock.
I have a small (tiny) business making custom riflestocks and stock blanks. Here's a shot of my work bench, located in the basement of my house. Sorry for the camera photo... I do my work by hand so hidden under the wood shavings that blanket the bench surface are a myriad of tools- planers, chisels, rasps, etc. You can see some stocks I'm in the process of working on to the left. I've also got a storage room (old coal room) where I store parts, supplies, lumber, carbon fiber (I laminate blanks too), and my firearms. My "design studio" is in my room upstairs where I use my computer desk and the back end of my bed (which has a 2 foot ledge) for drawing out designs or assembling intricate things. It's simple, but it's my favorite place in the house. I've actually learned that if I keep it messy enough, roommates just stay away from it and that way tools don't walk away.
I don't have a picture of my current workspace (not the restaurant), but I'll post this from college two years ago for nostalgia purposes: I miss that house. Big time. (Bonus points if you can spot Robert Greene, Neil Strauss, Tucker Max and P.J. O'Rourke on the bookshelf)
I moved recently so I need to redo my office setup. This thread will finally give me the motivation to get off of my ass and do it. I also got some new monitors and a new MacBook. I have to run a lot of virtual machines, so that's why I have a lot of computers. Not pictured is a very heavy duty server that is in the media closet. Here's what it was before (spoilered for size): Spoiler