Every Wednesday and Friday, this is my office... ...and I'm using these machines The desk view in my conventional office hasn't changed since last time--just more post-it notes are stuck to it now.
This is my basement workshop since this past fall. Comparing it to what I had in my last place makes me laugh. There's another 30 or so feet of bench space you can't see plus storage for more tools and my wood stockpile. Spoiler I spend an average of 20 hours a week or so down here. The 'ol 8 to 5. Spoiler
My desk at home Spoiler I swear the toilet paper is for cleaning up random bird shit and isn't in any way connected to the Sunshine Girls calendar (I have three parrots) my desk at work - no my company didn't comp me the awesome keyboard. Off to the side not in the shot is another pinned up xkcd (the bobby tables one, which is probably the most relevant to my actual job) Spoiler
Jesus Christ some of you people have some really boring jobs... I don't have a desk, so how about some random snapshots of what I do at any given day. Suck it desk jockeys.
I spent 10 years in an office similar to Dan Aykroyd's in 'Spies Like Us'; in a sub-basement amongst pipes & right next to the battery back up for the phone switch. Now I'm in the management area & have a window that not only provides some great glare at certain times of the day but also allows me to look at a roof & HVAC equipment. I clean my desk area every other Friday & its obvious that I need to bump it up to every Friday.
I work in the most sterile looking office you can imagine, the sad thing is I can decorate any way I want but haven't done shit in almost three years because I just don't care, I might change that soon though. That's about as clean as it gets, usually it's a disaster. And yes, the ipad is propped up by an empty box of tissues. Also, my leaning tower of appliances.
We re-did our office a while back. My desk has never been this clean since, When I'm not in the office I get this: or this:
r/battlestations The woodshop...when the weather is nice enough the that roommate will allow his Lexus to be parked outside. The cubicle; it is a standing workstation, and yes that is me in the mirror - it's there so that I can see people coming up behind me when I have headphones in. The home battlestation - taken a few months ago when I was installing a new graphics card. Also standing height.
I got my little sister a job here as the office manager/admin and after looking at all the nice clean desks in here, I made her come into my office and help me get rid of a lot of shit. One hour and half a shred-it bin later and we're starting to make progress.