I'd love to do the amazing race and I think my video might actually get looked at because I'm an identical twin. If I ever got selected to do the show I'd have to think long and hard about doing it because while my brother and I get along well and have travelled before, when things get stressful we tend to fight, bitch, whine and complain. Great for TV I'm sure, but I have a feeling we'd seriously shame our family. Back in the day I'd have killed to get on GUTS. The Agrocrag, Mike O'Malley and all the sweet games they competed in, all awesome. Hell I still want to be on the show.
Back in the day easy, Double Dare or its less messy cousin Fun House! Rock some rad British Knights and beat the course at the end that no one seemed to beat. When I was 11 or 12 I would fucking DOMINATE BICHES at Where in The World is Carmen Sandagio. Just don't give me Africa at the end. One of these days I'll head out to Cali to try to get on The Price is Right. It's not the same without Bob but the games and the Big Wheel are all still there. Problem is I'm intoverted, so I would need to get super drunk at 10am to even get half as crazy as some of those people do.
There's a japanese show called Unbeatable Banzuke that I'd like to try. Basically Banzuke roughly translates to list of champions, and involves a series of different time trial obstacle courses. To get on the list you simply need to complete a course. Easier said than done, because by the end 1 or 2 contestants, oftentimes none, out of like 30 manages to get to the finish. Might be because they're like this: Or that you only get one attempt. Naturally makes for good TV. Most of them would be flat out impossible for my fat weakling body, but the seesaw one would be sick - 2 teammates on either side of a large girder-size seesaw, one has to pick up a heavy barrel at one end, pass it to the other where they meet in the middle, then he places it on a stand on the other end. Seesaw can't touch the ground, has to be done in 60 seconds. The key seems to be to stay ahead of gravity. Simple.
I know it's not really a competition show, but on Top Gear they tend to do different challenges where they give the hosts 2 or 3 thousand dollars to by a specific type of car and drive across a desert or turn an average car into a limo, etc. I always thought it would be fun to do something like that with a couple buddies.
I completely agree. That has to be among the top things for an athlete to do. If I were a younger man.... I don't even think that victory would be measured in time, just in competing. The top athletes in the world fail. Just to take part would be an amazing victory.
American Gladiators. When they aired a new version of the show a couple years ago, I really wanted to get on. But by the time I started planning out a submission video and all of the other required application stuff, the show was off the air again. If by some chance it comes back again in the next couple years I will be all over it (I'm 26 now). I am able to maintain a realistic perception of my athletic ability, and there was maybe one or two contestants that I thought were a little more athletic than me. I really think I would do well on that show.
The in-person auditions are held in several cities throughout the country, not just LA. Going on Jeopardy has always been a goal of mine, and I think I'd do pretty well if I actually got on the show. I did well enough in the online test a couple years ago to get invited to an audition in NY but unfortunately they couldn't/wouldn't schedule me for one before I left for Basic. I just took the online test again last week, don't expect to hear back for a couple of months but hopefully did well enough to get an invite. I'd also love to go on Amazing Race, and I think I'd be pretty good at it, but can't be bothered to make an audition tape.
If you pass the written test, they do roaming auditions. I know for sure they audition in NYC, so you probably should have taken the online test... But I do it every year and it's hard as hell. One year I had someone keep track of my answers and got something like 42 of the 50 questions right, and STILL didn't get the audition. You really need to go 50 for 50 I think. My dream isn't as ambitious as Jeopardy, I've ALWAYS wanted to get on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, mostly because it's the only real game show that films in Manhattan. You sign up to take the test, head to their building by Columbus Circle, and take a scantron test. It was crazy easy the one time I did it. If you pass the scantron test they do a personality interview, which I somehow managed to fail. I think I got a producer who was in a bad mood, because I'm fucking charming. Either way, if you pass that, you get put into a pool of people who might be called. I'm just waiting til the spring when they do auditions again. I'm gonna get on this time...