I think most of the bolded bullshit could be avoided if people would just not bring up the fact that you feel so very old every ten seconds when enjoying a young activity. I mean I am guilty of it to a certain degree. You go to a college bar and you don't have the wild inhibition and youthful energy to put up with kids who haven't lived much life yet. Doesn't mean bitching about it non stop while there will help or change the situation. My friends have really started to do this a lot at college tailgates. I just like to ignore it and play 18 rounds of flip cup.
Booze hits me harder now. Maybe not drinking as much is also a factor, but if I try to drink like I did in college I'd blackout and recieve a hangover the allows my spine to pick up sandlot games from radio Havana in the morning. Also, Back To The Future II becomes the Now in 16 months. What the hell. Three decades to invent the Hoverboard and nothing. Fuck you, society. He'll, do you know Ghostbusters is 30 years old soon? I remember the three times I saw it in the theatre.
Metamucil becomes a regular part of your breakfast. Mowing the lawn takes twice as long as it did 10 years ago. One year of your child's tuition was the same as your entire college education. You wish Icy-Hot came in designer fragrances. You actually use your AARP card for the discounts. You start getting mail from funeral homes for planning services. You start getting wedding invitations from college friends...for their kids' weddings.
God that once Facebook post that pointed out that if Marty Mc Fly travelled as far back today as he did in the original movie he'd be back in 1983. Yeesh it made me feel old.
Imagine a remake where Marty goes to 1983. Ever guy has a moustache and cotton candy chest hair. Marty's mom doing blow in the car before the dance. Marty plays "Enter Sandman" at the dance and the bass player call his cousin Cliff Burton to listen to it. Biff is a blonde rich kid with a sweater tied around his neck and "hates the new kid". Doesn't sound like it gels as well.
I turned 25 (that fucking hurt to type) on Tuesday. The baby and wedding pictures on facebook are annoying as fuck and I refuse to have these fucks clogging up my news feed. The biggest sign that I'm getting older is that people are actually planning to have kids. When in the fuck did that happen? Up to this point, anyone near my age has only gotten pregnant on accident. For the first time in my life, I know people who have planned pregnancies...and they are not my parents age.
This is the saddest thing I've read in the entire thread. I'm 28 and my libido is as obnoxious and overbearing as ever. I echo the post that mentioned bouncing back from drinking just fine. I drink better liquor these days then in my younger years, and as a result, I don't get hungover very often. It's great. And my bar habits haven't changed in the least, thus its annoying when my friends want to go to sleepy empty spots or not out at all. The main issue I have is I definitely feel the repercussions from not warming up and stretching before working out or sports. My back gets tighter and I have issues with my hip flexors. Never was a problem when I was younger.
I drink better beer and liquor as well but it wasn't until I quit smoking that I started recovering better, at least temporarily. It's been worse again lately, but I've earned it by drinking far too much. I also pulled my first hamstring a while back. I was already warmed up too. Fuck snowboarding and fuck a pulled hamstring. That took a full month of healing before I could do any more than a light jog.
This times one million. I told one of my female friends this by basically saying "Fuck, might as well go pick out the color of tennis balls for your walker!" There is no point in complaining. We're not going to spend every night at home eating wine and cheese, while the string quartet plays in our backyard. It's definitely the physical stuff after working out. Even at my old age of 27, I have to stretch/warm-up more before workouts than I have before. Before I could break into a sprint and not be winded. I'm also sweating more than I used to, but that could be a side effect of a medication I took.
Here's a few things you have to look forward to in the next few years: -You or your friends that haven't picked a career and have a stable job yet will be shunned as losers. -Most people in the planning for pregnancy phase now will either be crying themselves to sleep because they couldn't do it, or you won't see them anymore because they're always with their kids. -This applies WAY more to females, but if you don't live in the city people will wonder what's wrong with you if you're not engaged or married. -No one will ask you what you're doing with your life, you'll already be doing it, and they won't talk to you with that wistful voice they talk to kids in their early 20's with because by then your spirit will already be broken by the soul crushing reality that is adult life. -If you move anywhere new besides a city, making friends outside of work or a sport/hobby will be weird. I don't give a shit what anyone says, guys don't make friends at bars.
Yeah, my first feeling of socially old and not just physical is when I had a friend say "Sarah is pregnant." And I had to hesitate to ask if it was mistake or not. It was, but I hesitated. Also the girlfriend is fucking crushed with what Frank said. She's 27, but at her job most of the girls are 22-25 and all of those chicks are engaged, married, and/or planning kids. The fact she's not at least living with a guy makes her "weird" in Lawrence Kansas. Also, guys don't make friends at bars, they meet acquaintances to watch sports and drink with, but only at that bar, and last names rarely get exchanged.
I get the sense that the overwhelming fear of my rapidly dissipating youth--and along with it, all the potential I might have lived up to--is going to not be missed when I settle nicely into, "Oh, well I guess this is fucking it, then."
Yeah, I'm certain that this topic has been up before - I recognised the .gif in #17 I am a grumpy fuck, so number 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 27 and 28 have all happened at least once. If you want to make yourselves happier, don't check Facebook more often than once a fortnight. There is nothing important there anyway. You're welcome.
I'm 26 and shit's alright. So far ageing has included: -Actually looking like an adult, as I've always had a bit of a baby face. (Good) -Not being able to eat a shit load of pizza doused in hot sauce right before bed. (For the best) -Minor aches in my right knee sometimes when I run. (Good, I hare running) -Having the desire to clean my apartment and dress well. (Good) -Gaining a more mature outlook on life and people. (Good) -Getting hit with the crushing realization that four years goes by fast, I'll be 30 soon enough, and that I don't have a career figured out yet and I've never been in a serious relationship. (HOLY FUCK OH SHIT OH SHIT I SHOULD PROBABLY KILL MYSELF)
I had to get an ultrasound a few weeks ago, and had the overwhelming urge to let everyone know that it wasn't baby related, as I am obviously too young to have children. Then I looked around and saw that half of the pregnant women there looked like they were around the same age as I am. Weird. The realization that I am now of reasonable childbearing age didn't make me feel old so much as it made me think that people have children entirely too young, since I'm pretty much still a child myself. I'm also pretty sure that I thought of myself as more of an adult at 16 than I do at 24, which is so silly in retrospect.
Here is a 48 yr. old perspective. I feel like a child. I think young people and "their" music is a blast. I'd way rather hang out with them than anyone close to my age. Old people are boring, stuck in the past and set in their ways. Please, enjoy my lawn (and yes, I'm a home owner in a high end neighbourhood). I look (some wrinkles and other things aside) and feel better than I did 15 yrs. ago. Life (other than recently getting my delicate heart ripped out of my previously strong chest) is good. I am wise. I've lived a lot of life. I don't care what I'm supposed to be to live up to society's expectations of someone my age. Hey old lady, go tend your garden, read magazines, shop till you drop, go to bed at 10 and let your vagina mold. I'll be having fun at the local pub.
For me, the one thing about getting old that I've noticed is that you realize it's all a scam. You think when you're younger at a certain age, you'll start to unlock some truths. Then you get to that age and realize that you're absolutely clueless. It makes you understand what your parents went through. Then again, I'm functionally retarded, so take the foregoing with a boulder of salt.
Getting older means that being a "regular" at a bar refers to drinking with a bunch of other older guys at happy hour on weekdays, but being nowhere near the bar on Friday or Saturday nights
I'm 34. My kids are 17, 13, and 11. 1, 4, 5, 7 (I find this one particularly annoying - hearing damage does not make a bar awesome, and I hate leaning in close to people regardless of my relationship with them.), 9, 10, 11, 13 (I've always been this way. If I want to stay in a hostel I'll go visit home and stay in my parents' old trailer house. Gross. No thank you. I'm playing for clean bed, sheets, shower, and air.), 16 (I hate mainstream radio.), 17 (I blame this on my insane work schedule and rise time more than anything. Otherwise I'm down for having a beer or getting dinner after work.), 21 (Teen slang makes kids sound retarded.), 24 (I'd rather day drink. I'm of the leave the bar at 12:30 type - I like being home before 1 a.m. when all the stupids get out.) all resonate with me. I don't feel old. I don't ache. I don't suffer bad hangovers. I don't have a problem eating bad food (though I try to avoid it). I DO love me some sleep though, and I prefer quality booze - whether it's beer or wine or liquor, I prefer good food. I still play. I love to play baseball with my boys, I love to climb (though I admit I don't do it as often as I should), I love to hike and swim and fish and ride, I play with my dog, my husband and I play softball together...I think that's a big part of it. Just playing. The only thing I want is more sleep.