First would be my girlfriend, because I like spending time with her and so far we handle situations together well. Second is Red Green. Hilarious, resourceful, and generally harmless. If there isn't any duct tape on the island, we could figure it out. I'll round out the group with Jennifer Lawrence. The two women would eventually get along and we'd have nonstop threesomes.
Looking at the majority of responses, maybe you should change the thread title to Bangbus Island, VI.
1) Chuck Hughes - He's an excellent chef so he can make me delicious meals. Also pretty cute, would bang. 2) Josh Mansour - Australian rugby player. I'm bringing him for purely physical reasons. The accent is also a plus. Would obviously bang. 3) My Ecofeminism professor - For some intellectual stimulation. Also he looks like Heath Ledger, so would also bang.
I'd bring my old lady, my best friend, and his wife. I don't see enough redeeming qualities in celebs. Hell, most of them don't even have the potential of being worthwhile human beings. My list has potential for a couple of reasons. My BFF is an avid hunter and fisherman. We've been on several multi-day hunting and fishing trips and I'm fairly certain that we wouldn't wind up hating each other. Plus, if we both had our respective women to come home to, that would help. The OL and I are life partners, so I'm pretty sure we wouldn't kill each other. Pretty sure.
Sorry, Mark. You're staying home. I choose Charlotte McKinney instead. Spoiler Besides, she's already there, waiting for me and Emma and Morena. Spoiler See how she sadly looks into the distance, waiting for us to arrive? Spoiler I've got to get packing.