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Skol Vikings... But holy shit, you're cool

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MainEvent007, May 16, 2010.

  1. Belligerence

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    The Track
    I was at the mall and had just walked out of a store when I noticed someone vaguely familiar walking toward me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, that was until he started talking to the girl he was with...

    Once your ears have been raped by his nails-on-a-chalkboard voice it is forever ingrained into your memory. I was slightly confused as to why someone who starred in several movies was hanging out at a mall in Troy, Michigan, with a somewhat mildly attractive girl, but what else would you expect from The Immortal Pauly Shore?
  2. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    I had the same thing in college. I was one floor directly above all of the Freshman hockey players the year we won the national championship. Those guys were fucking hideous looking but pulled more ass than most of us could dream about. Thomas Vanek fucked two of my close friends, just for starters. It was quite entertaining to watch the revolving doors that were there dorm rooms.

    Since I work for a political fundraising/consulting firm, I've gotten the chance to meet some pretty high poltiical figures since I've been here. Norm Coleman, Michele Bachmann, and Tim Pawlenty to name a couple. Marco Rubio was also in our office not too long ago.
  3. gtg2k

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The House That Lawler Built
    I work at a country club in Memphis that hosts a PGA event, so I've met quite a few golfers, as well as a few other celebrities. Unfortunately, no pics, since asking for one would lead to me being fired.

    Phil Mickelson- Met him at the tournament last year. Very nice, low key, and looks nothing like he does on TV. You know how he looks medium height and kinda dumpy? Yeah, no. Dude's got at least an inch on me (I'm 6'2"-6'3"), and is built like a brick shithouse with hardly any gut.

    John Daly- Also super nice. I spent most of the tournament week taking care of his dad, girlfriend, dad's girlfriend, and daughters. I then spend the rest of the year taking care of his son and stepson. It's a long story- PM if you want details.

    Loren Roberts- He's at the club all the time. Again, super nice guy, very low key, and always happy to chat. His daughter is a very strange airhead.

    Tommy West (former head football coach at University of Memphis)- Another really nice guy. Loves his booze, and a good tipper.

    Josh Pastner (current head basketball coach at University of Memphis)- Yet again, a super nice guy (beginning to detect a pattern here?). Very nice, super hardworking (he was on the phone recruiting for quite a bit of the meal, but not at the table- he does have good manners), doesn't drink alcohol or even Cokes. Just water and lemonade.

    John Calipari- On a personal level, he was always nothing but gracious and kind to me. Yes, he left my school in kind of a dick way, but I figured if we had him for 4 years, we were lucky.

    Penny Hardaway- THE nicest out of the bunch. Great tipper, very low key, goes out of his way to make you feel at ease... I can't say enough good about the man.

    Yo Gotti- Very quiet. In fact hardly talks at all, and usually has his posse talk for him. I'm not as wild about him as I am the others.
  4. Decatur Dave

    Decatur Dave
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The woods of Central Florida
    This guy is notorious around Augusta for renting houses and trashing them with his parties, and not paying for the damages.
  5. StrangeBrew

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I remember reading some random post about this kind of thing on the old board. It never really made much sense to me. If he is so notorious for such behavior, how does he keep finding a place to stay every year?