And after the spankings, the oral sex! Turns out, I didn't really need the companionship of other people. I just need to watch Monty Python again. I'll see your heteronormative discussion of ideal body types and raise you a discussion of ni. Edit: speaking of being a condescending jag and speaking French, I once made a rather clever joke to my French grammar teacher. "Nous sommes les chevaliers qui disent n'y!" because, you know, we were learning how to insert various types of pronouns into sentences in correct order. She didn't get it. Sigh.
I'm really impressed with these women, and hope they continue doing their thing, but personally I wouldn't call them my ideal body type. Makes me wanna work out though. Kind of.
I was looking for a funny response gif to Nom's post and well... This is what I found. You're welcome.
I was going to mock you by quoting Ogden Nash's pithy view on being clever, but then I remembered this really wouldn't apply in the first place. Edit: I'm just bitter that I spent time google translating that bitch to make sure that I understood it.
I'm bitter I had to google Ogden Nash's pithy view on being clever. Wanna call it even? Also, Nom, remember when you used to post gratuitously sexy photos of men?
Damnit, you are the last person on the board I expect to be literal. I need to remember that it's not a good idea to play tag roulette at work.
Hey motherfucker, you can't just steal the image of a girl I posted a few months ago! When I posted that same picture, I received criticism over the size of her ass, and the fact that she is wearing two bras at the same time! And people give me shit about the stuff I post...
When the weather channel is flat the fuck out wrong saying were only getting a light dusting of snow, four wheel drive is a wonderful thing to have. Oh and Dixie it because you're not black. If you were you could appreciate a white girl with a big ass. But as it is you should think she looks sloppy and recomend she get to the gym post hastily.
You should talk to KIMaster about giant asses. Anything less than a sumo wrestler-level of disgusting is too small for that weirdo.
Did KiMaster get banned or what? With him gone and ballsack taking time before he reveals 6.0 this place has been rather light on walls of rage. I mean Crown if it weren't for people doing things in pop culture that you don't like I don't think people would e-yell at all anymore.
He, like many, comes and goes around here. However, unlike others all you have to do is pm him and he will pop back up.
I rather enjoy coming to this place now that I don't have to read his racist/antisemitic hate speech in every post. I've never seen a more obvious case of self loathing manifesting itself in an e-bully form. He posted that one time about bettering himself and his life and it lasted what? About 3 minutes.
I find that people on here with the nerve to defend Ke$ha are funnier than Black Jesus or myself yelling about her.
The best part was what caused him to leave: he spends every post insulting everyone under the sun, but someone made a comment about him he considered "too far." As if he had any right to get indignant about what anyone says, considering his particular track record. As for Kimmy, I've had his posts blocked for about 2 years, now, so I didn't even notice when he left.