I remember he made a grand statement about some poster "not being funny", and making a wager that if anyone could find one post from that member that was funny, he'd stop posting. Lo and behold, a funny post was found. He kept posting for a bit, but some people called him on it / he was getting widely insulted enough that he figured he was too good for us. I think it was back during the Olympics thread.
Haven't you learned anything? He doesn't come around until you say his name! KiM didn't bother me that much. I just saw a GIANT WALL OF TEXT and quickly skimmed. Every KiMaster post: "YOU'RE AN IDIOT. THIS IS WHY YOU'RE AN IDIOT. I LIKE THIS INCREDIBLY BRILLIANT, UNKNOWN, ESOTERIC YET QUAINT JAPANESE INDIE FILM THAT YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!!!!11!1!!!"
I have heard many legends about his, erm, passion for movies and video games but I don't read the pop culture forums, so I never saw any of those huge rants about those brilliant Russian films made for $10,000 or video games he played for 2 hours once. Perhaps for the best, in retrospect.
Lets not forget when he said he admired the Chinese "commitment to winning" with regards to their ludicrous Olympic programs.
I hear the fear of torture/death of you and your loved ones is especially motivating. Whatever it takes to build a champion!
Considering the way we Americans look at wrestling and pass new rules almost yearly to curb the ridiculous shit wrestlers VOLUNTARILY do to themselves, its hard to imagine any American looking at what China does to its Olympic hopefuls with anything other than disgust.
This is the country that puts melamine in children's milk and makes toys and dog food out of poison, mud and feces. Don't pretend that country is not one of the worst in the world when it comes to respecting the human race.
I agree. How do you think the Chinese cut weight? Encase themselves in rubber like the Michelin Man and run on a 1' wide treadmill over a pit of molten lava? Side note- I really, really hope the IOC reverses their decision on wrestling. What a bunch of fuckheads.
No. You are simply re-educated into being a thinner person. We will have no room for improper thinking in here.
Actually sprinting was the original Olympic sport, to be fair wrestling was added fairly shortly thereafter, but when's the last time Pankration was part of The Games? We don't exactly have a precedent of historical preservation here.
Oh y'know, just replace them with equally historically significant and widespread sports like: Spoiler FUCK THAT.
Actually, the original Olympic event was killing other people. All sport is really just a means of practicing to go to war. Cosmic.
Hockey is essentially a war game? Maybe back in the day but not anymore. What were they training for? The German invasion of Greenland?
Oh uhhh, hey guys. Not to hijack the thread, but we need one more warm body for the official Idiot Board Fantasy Baseball league. For $100 you get to play in a long running tradition that Kinsey and I have been dutifully running since the ol' days of the RMMB. Our Auction Draft is tomorrow at 8:30 eastern. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.