Well I finally got to the fuckitall' drunk stage, hopefully i can keep it close to this for the rest of the week.
I could stare at those "nasals" all day long. In fact, if that was the last sight of my life, I'd call it a life well lived. Not that I'm desperate or anything.
So I guess we can look forward to a Popemobile with tricked put spinner rims and a miniature soccer ball hanging from the rear view? Of course,then I actually laid eyes on this guy and did two minutes of homework on him to say "awesome! Another ancient talking skeleton with parkinsons who hates gays while surrounding himself with them. BRAAAAAVO." *clap.....clap......clap....*
I don't know, I think this pope has made a sincere new effort to reach out to women. He did pick a girl's name, after all.
I am just happy that the election of a pope doesn’t mean a goddamn thing. Thankfully we live in a time and a place where royalty or pontiffs have no control over our lives. In other words, Merica!
I read a theory on another forum that another ancient Pope was elected because the Conclave is afraid of another long-reigning John Paul II. Not that I know/care to know enough to form an opinion on that, though I seem to recall JPII doing a lot of good for the Church politically and publically.
Dude, you live in a country where mainstream media and the hub of consumer marketing is effectively controlled by people like Kim Kardashian. I wouldn't be so smug.
As a Catholic, Ill give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Benedict didn't do shit so hopefully this guy does better.
As someone who grew up.Catholic and went to Catholic school, from a impact on.your life stand point the pope doesn't do shit. Its all about the theology with the pontiff and not about its constituents.
The wife just emailed me a picture of the Girl Scout cookies I ordered. She got them this morning, and I WANT THEM RIGHT NOW. Motherfucking Samoa's all day, yo. Followed closely by Thin Mints out of the freezer. P.S. Did you know that, depending on where you live, you may have never heard of Samoas or some of the other normal cookie names? Apparently there are two different bakers that make the cookies.
What the shit are these? I know of exactly two kinds of Girl Guide cookies - chocolate mint ones and the chocolate/vanilla cream-filled ones. WHY DO WE NOT GET THE GOOD COOKIES?
Yep. He may not directly impact your life but obviously he is in a position with much influence on the Church and billion+ members. We'll see. I think our Archbishop here had more influence than Benedict, at least in the past couple of years (mainly due to the election and added amendments on the ballot). Either way, I'm just gonna leave this here...
The fact that we breathe and share the same air as that hose-hound is officially chalked up as a "loss." The only thing pleasant about her is that V.D. isnt an airborne.