I dunno, maybe it's because she was once in love with Joe Francis. Or went on a twitter tirade complaining about the Casey Anthony verdict ...and her dad helped O.J. walk straight into the loving arms of his caddy. Or complaining about Africanized diamonds while wearing them. Or countless other numbskull bullshit.
Dat ass is the only thing of note. In other news, I have one class standing between me and spring break. Me and who I call the future mrs. Kasem (I've pretty much decided she's the one) are going out tomorrow night with some friends of ours. I've been drinking wine with the roommate and I have 8 am class. This should be fun.
Offhand I know 3.141592653589793238462643383279502 So not even close. But it's one of those things you do when you're bored as a kid and grow up with an angry mathematician father who is always testing whether you can solve math problems faster than your brother who is four years older. In a story of exactly zero drama unless you lived it, he once gave us a pattern to solve... without telling us it was in base 4 and with only my brother having ever learned the idea of different bases for counting systems. Wooooo.
Dat Ass has its own fucking gravitational pull. I'd bang Kim Kardashian with great pleasure from the waist upwards (Ok, let's not be keyboard warriors here, I'd bang her regardless, because I'm a raging bag of testosterone and mid-twenties hormonal fury who'd fuck a dead polecat if it showed enough skin), but come the fuck on, look at this thing: NSFW Also, it's worth noting because I only clued into this recently, but the woman is a fucking midget. I think she barely makes it over 5 foot. Kim Kardashian can't sing, can't dance, can't act, isn't especially attractive by Hollywood Standards, staged a sham marriage so she could make millions off the news rights, tries to force herself down our collective throats with her bullshit reality TV show, and fronts a bunch of shady businesses making money off her underage retard fanbase, including this awesome credit card. She is also the poster child for everything that is wrong with modern entertainment culture. Talentless, self-obsessed, truly stupid, and willing to sell her unborn fucking child's soul if it gets her a single moment under the spotlight. This cunt was recently in the news getting an anti-ageing facial that involved getting her own fucking blood injected into her fucking face, for fuck's sake.
I would happily crack open a beer at the news that her and every person associated with getting that steaming pile of Satan's hot corrupted swimmers on TV died in a studio fire.
Annnnnd, who cares about any of that shit? I mean at least Crown Royal listed some genuinely questionable factors, but the stuff you're complaining about... How could you even spend more than .23 seconds thinking about it? I suppose if I actually gave a shit about her as a person, maybe, but all I care about is the stuff I already listed. And honestly, sparing that much thought toward Kim Kardashian is on the same level as the mouthbreathers who play World of Warcraft that post angry rants on the forums complaing because they don't like the story direction toward which their favorite storyline character gets taken. I mean if she doesn't do it for you she doesn't do it for you, but the hate over meaningless shit just doesn't make sense to me.
Thank god. I had to actually get some work done on Friday. I had a standard St. Pats, lots of drinking and enjoying mid 80s weather. We had a group of about 30 of us who went down to the big festival downtown. Only 1 arrest this year, age is maturing us.
Thanks for getting this joint back up and running. Just in time for me to learn that our new corporate overlords are monitoring our internet usage hardcore. I suspect the work gods would not approve of the booby thread.
What? That's ridiculous. Of course they would approve of it. Pfff. Glad TiB is back. I was having to come up with all sorts of creative other ways to waste time.
I tried signing on Friday and was confused. I flushed my cache and tried again. I began to cry. I sent a message to audreymonroe and she confirmed the unthinkable. The board was down. All weekend I wept. I wept for us and for our children, and the TiB they would never know. Then, in a last futile attempt, I tried this morning. And glory be, the board was restored. Never ever scare us like that again, ChaterKojak.
So the cataclysmic shutdown wasn't the Revenge of Ballsack? Weekend Update: Drinking, followed by drinking, and additional drinking, capped by watching a friend's son's team win the State hockey championship. Interspersed with gambling and eating corned beef and cabbage.
Here was my weekend: Friend: Watch this. I'm going to play a prank on that 300 pound redneck with no sense of humor. - 5 minutes elapse - Friend: we have to go because this redneck is looking to literally murder me. And that, gentlemen and gentlewomen, is why you don't send an enormous white trash man's wife a drink "from an admirer" then try to soothe things over when he gets visibly angry. Especially don't go over to soothe things when he HAS NO FUCKING IDEA WHO SENT IT. Argh. (You know what's sad? I must have reloaded this board 60 times.)
I hope I'm not the only person who is profoundly disturbed at how weird it was not to have this place available over the weekend.
Well look at you, Mr. Ladee Frickin Da. I sent a message to audreymonroe and she took out a restraining order. But, whatever.
Just ordered a bunch of airhorns. My wife has been having to get up really early for work so I cant wait to test them out on her when she's sound (...ha!) asleep.