Re: Re: SNOWWW DAAAATTTTT (drunk thread) I also need this, probably a sign this place is way to ingrained in my day to day life/entertainment.
I bet I don't. He blames me for ruining his life when I filed charges against him for the domestic violence. And he certainly blames me for ruining his life when he lost custody of his son. I need an email buddy too. I don't post much but I read a lot and I was lost this weekend without my entertainment.
My friend finally flew out on Saturday. I am glad to have seen her but now that she's gone I can relax.
Friday sucked without the board. I checked over the weekend a few times on my phone, and again on my iPad just to make sure that it wasn't a certain device that wasn't working right, but to no avail. When I came into the office this morning and it was still down, I was bummed, but I just figured that it was something done to kill off the spambots or something. Glad it's all back to normal (or as normal as this place gets). I'm pissed that we have a wave of ice/snow coming our way tonight. It's almost Spring, and I'm done with this shit already.
His own son is older than this girl. I mean, If *my* dad started "dating" a teenager, I'd kick his ass myself. Then again, this guy doesn't sound like he's parent of the year material, so how know how much he fucked his kid up raising him. This particular fucked up situation aside, I can't think of anything more awkward and uncomfortable than something like this. I'm 34. If my dad started going out with a 30 year old woman, I'd have no idea how to act. Even though it's still a huge age gap, I couldn't condemn that relationship out of hand because a 30 year old woman is certainly old enough to make those kind of decisions, but again, if they ended up getting married I'd technically end up with a stepmother who was younger than me. I'd spend every (scarce, by design) moment around them wanting to slap one or both of them.
Because why wouldn't he want to ensure she's 100% dependent on him? Move her away from friends and family and then provide for her. Sure, sounds great...till she has nowhere else to go and no means to go there, even if she did. But she can't see that yet, because she's too young and enamored. That dude is gross. Legal or not, this is just sad. In other news, isn't today over yet? I might still be a little hung over from Saturday night...
I rather miss dating someone more than a decade older than myself. The drama is so worth it. I spent my St. Patrick's Day at the pub drinking Guinness and raining science down on idiots, trying to explain to a guy who looked like Ted Nugent that he needn't be afraid of "all those bad chemicals they put in the city water"... And that his "water alkalizer" is an absolute load of bullshit. Ugh. The stupid. So much of the stupid.
Sure, and the next thing you're going to tell me is that my magnetic bracelets don't give me super strength and increased male performance. I'll tell you what--I can't even tell when I pick up a bucket of cat litter anymore. Super...strength... Fucking scientists. Think they know everything.
It's just a racket because they want to keep all the goodies to themselves, I tell ya. On top of that angel is Asian, so you know she can't be trusted when it comes to these matters.
You mean to tell me that Fluoride isn't giving me cancer? It's just there for oral health? The fuck you say, prison planet says it gives you cancer and causes you to grow a second head.
Y'know. His son was a really good kid. There are some serious mom issues created by his father and all of that, but overall, his son was always a fairly decent though socially maladjusted child. I haven't seen him since the divorce, but I know for a fact that the boy has issues with women and how to relate to them intimately, beyond a simple friend scale. And that's sad. He really WAS a good kid.
Jesus, I actually made a reddit account yesterday because of this weirdness. I feel like I have AIDS now.
St Patrick's day being on a Sunday can lick broken glass. I had to wake up at 7:45 today to take the little one to school. Driving that hungover is bullshit. But on a positive my sister and cousin came out in addition to the normal degenerates that I sociolize with.