Re: Re: SNOWWW DAAAATTTTT (drunk thread) Getting drunk at work, no matter what the job, is not for me. It does not make work fun or turn it into a game. I don't understand why people will go tie on a glow during their lunch hour. Not for me. If I need a quick escape at work, I do it the old fashioned way: auto-erotic asphyxiation.
I like snow at first, but if it lingers it gets pretty annoying. Nothing worse than when it melts and you get slush, and then of course if freezes later and you get icy ass roads. Colorado does it right. We get a storm and three days later the snow is almost gone. We're suppose to get around ~10 inches tomorrow, by Tuesday it will be gone mostly. Here if you want winter, just go into the mountains. I grew up in Michigan, so I understand how lingering and monotonous winter gets. I always thought spring was worse. In my opinion theres nothing worse than cold rain. If its gonna piss from the sky, at least be cold enough to snow. Cold rain just soaks through everything and makes you miserable. Maybe this is why the Irish drink so much, besides the centuries of economic depression and English dominance. Its fucking cold and it doesn't stop raining 9 months out of the year.
I fully agree with Crown's disdain for winter weather. Fuck it all... Being from northeast Ohio, I think you know where I'm coming from. I'm just pumped that tomorrow will reach the mid 40's and all sun. Irish Ale is delicious. Cheers everyone
Because you lived in Ohio, or because of the weather? I live in Texas. Summers suck, but weekends on the water with cold beer atone for it. "Winter," like right now, is perfect. If I want to see snow I'll take a vacation and see it, and let dealing with it be someone else's problem.
Guys, I realise that the Northernmost part of the United States basically hunkers down between the months of October and April as they cower beneath the wrath of God, but seriously, hearing you all bitch about the weather is starting to get seriously fucking old.
Re: Re: SNOWWW DAAAATTTTT (drunk thread) I got tired of it so you know what I did? I moved. It's that simple, all you people who hate the snow and shitty cold weather should move or shut the fuck up about it.
Actually they don't. They go outside and find things to do in that so called inhospitable weather. It's places like South Carolina where they get half an inch of snow and society screeches to a petrified halt. Considering you have to deal with it every year, I would think the people bitching about it would have gotten used to it by now.
Ohio is without a doubt the biggest shit hole ever. Nothing but boring farmland and filthy cities from an atavistic, robber baron era now in rundowned decay. The land has zero characteristics. In winter it is so much worse, it looks like death, ravaged my mauraders that burned everything before the snow ate the remains. Cleveland is having a renaissance, but you know what? Fuck Cleveland. I've been to NE Ohio and it was depressing as shit. It's purgatory. I have not one doubt why people do meth up there. It is the only thing aside from the cheap liquor they poison themselves with that dulls the monotony. Florida has its charms. Undeniably gorgeous women, melting pot of cultures, ice blue ocean water. However, in accordance with the laws of Murphy, the women are gold diggers, the food gives you the shits, and the water is full of bloated tourists and poor people using it as a toilet. I like to go walking on the beach at night. Down here it's very hard to find a stretch of beach that isn't built up. Which isn't necessarily a problem. In winter it is because every condo has f'n spotlights, literal spotlights, shining onto the beach. Lit up like daylight so bad I actually needed shades at 9pm. No doubt to deter people away. Miserable old fucks live there. Thank you for the light pollution. The stars are almost completely blotted out now. You can't find a bit of peace down here for all the tropical aspects. It's International Women's Day. so here's some chicks in thongs. NSFW NSFW NSFW
The snow in most of the Northeast is really only bad intermittently, plus it has the hidden value of being an easy topic for small talk between people for whom silence is awkward.
Yeah, well we put up with you being British and calling everyone a cunt so how about some fucking empathy you freedom hating piece of shit.
I, for one, enjoy listening to Americans bitch about their own country. It's an exercise in double think. America is the greatest country and place to live on Earth! Except for Florida, Florida sucks. And so does Ohio. And Mississippi. And New Mexico. And Alabama. And the Midwest is boring. And there's too much snow in New England. And the coasts are full of elites. And there's too much rain in the Pacific North-West. And then there's flyover country, and then you really only have Alaska, Hawaii, and those semi-autonomous territories left to bitch about.
To say Americans are exceptional in their ability to bitch about their country is stupid. I'm sure Canadians bitch constantly same with the Brits and everyone else ever to have lived in a country. Hell, I'm sure Canadians bitch about the infamous Maple Syrup shortage or the recent hockey strike. Its surprising how quickly people load on the American bashing bandwagon.
Actually I think that'd be either the Spanish or the Portuguese. Also, nobody's hating on 'Murica Todd. They managed to close down the biggest airport in Europe (possibly the world?) here because of an inch of snow. An inch. I shit you not. My point is, bitching about the weather is pretty much the lowest common denominator of stilted conversation worldwide. I expect better from y'all. You know, bitch about malformed labia, or how drinking Everclear makes you temporarily blind. Stuff we can all get behind.