I've never encountered this situation before, but here's my thought on it. To me a bachelor party is for the groom to be and the other guys, it's a night away from the wives and girlfriends for everyone. If the brother in law's boyfriend is there, then your future brother in law is not getting the night away. If I were in the same situation, I'd likely talk to the brother-in-law, and see what he thinks.
Anyone watching the USA soccer game? It's in a snow storm. I'm guessing there will be a new soccer ratings record since a friend and myself are watching it.
I'm with NMW, as I said in rep I think of it more as a night away from significant others to do as you may, however wrong those things may be. Doesn't matter If the significant other is a dude, point is to be away from prying eyes. Sounds shitty but I think that's the whole point of it.
This is how I initially thought of it, but some of the other previous comments made the good point of it just not being mixed company. Then again, All the other guys are there without their SO's, so it's an 'on your own weekend' sort of thing. I guess the question is, is a bachelor party supposed to be a "guys only" thing or a "party without your SO" thing. I guess the best move is to probably ask my brother-in-law(to be).
I'm thinking it's a without your SO thing, But it cant hurt to ask his thoughts on it, Might as well stay in the family's good graces
Good news everyone!: My headphones reach all the way from my computer to the bathroom, so I can continue to jam out to my prefered music while taking a leak. And for ballsack's benefit, since I see he's decided to join us once again, that music is definitely some good ol' hippy jam band shit like Phish.
Guess who's hosting D&D tomorrow? I am using this as an excuse to fry up a heart attack inducing number of mushrooms and onions. Wash it all down with mimosas and call it good.
Oh man, I'm drunk. My Fiancee passed out a long time ago, so I decided it was time to sail the high seas! Yeah, good times, I'm mostly just drunk sitting at the computer while she's asleep on the computer. I do have this badass keeping me company: Spoiler
Anybody else get to work at 6:00 this morning? Just me? Sometimes it sucks to be good at what you do.
I didn't get to work at 6, but I've definitely been up since then. Good morning. NSFW P.S. This one is much more in line with what we should post within NSFW tags.
Making homemade cinnamon rolls from scratch takes @ 3 hours. Good thing I'm not hungry yet. And that I'm already fat.
I had a weird-ass dream last night involving this board. I don't know what most of you look like, but there was an Asian guy who hates me. We went to a meet-up, got drunk and he wanted to pick me up and twirl me. It was glorious. After our Dirty Dancing-esque moment, we hate fucked. What does it all mean? I think I ate some weird shit last night before bed.
Agreed completely unless they are both mutual friends with the entire group. Not having to check in with/think about an SO to me is the essence of a bachelor party.
Agreed on the SO thing. My best friend and her fiance are having a joint bachelor-bachelorette party, which I think is kinda lame. I want to be drunk and foul away from male judgment.
Why not just ask the brother in law. "Hey, man the bachelor party is a no chicks sort of thing but that translates for the rest of us into no wives/girlfriends. Your situation is different and I don't know how to handle it. You tell me what you want." Maybe the boyfriend's idea of a bachelor party is bathhouses and amyl nitrate rather than hookers and blow and he would be happy to stay home.