So the hookers and blow thing really happens at all bachelor parties, huh? I thought that was basically just a myth. I would have put that at about a 25% occurance. In other words, maybe I am a bit naive.
Do they still count as hookers if they just go down on each other in the living room of a hunting camp? If so, count me in the 25%.
Nah, in that scenario you will be in the 75% STD - free camp. Which aint a bad camp to be in Now strippers (as I am envisioning these ladies in your story), I would expect to be about 75%.
I need the kind of assistance that only TiB can lend. My next door neighbour has taken up the electric guitar and has been playing the same lick for the last 90 minutes. I'm ready to kill someone. Rather than be direct and tell him to knock it the fuck off, I'm taking the passive aggressive route and trying to find the nastiest, loudest, most fucked up porn I can find, I am pumping it through my subs and drowning him out. So, TiB, link me your worst porn. Content is irrelevant. I'm thinking anything that involves the line "Tie her down while I go get the horses".
I just called almost every old navy in Ontario to track down a swimsuit I'm obsessed with. And I'm leaving early for a formal I'm going to tonight, and driving 45 minutes out of my way to pick it out. I think maybe I have issues.
Guys who fuck women the night before they get married obviously have issues. Blow? I'm for that. Hookers? Get that diseased flooze train out of my hotel room, they'll take my prime booze money.
I don't think that's naive, granted I've only been to four bachelor parties so far, but the worst thing I've come across was the groom finger blasting a stripper, for the most part it's hands off.
The bachelor parties I've been to have all been really low key, considering the grooms getting married for the most part were fairly vanilla people. Its all been more go out to the bars and try to get the groom wasted, and strip clubs. But no hookers no blow, etc.
I feel like bachelor parties in Vegas probably get pretty wild. Or at least... that's what the movies taught me. Also, here's some sweet fucking ass. NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW
I really don't understand bachelor/bachelorette parties that get totally out of hand. Maybe it's because I'm not married, but I don't get how you could feel so much less committed to a person just because you hadn't taken the vows yet. Booze and drugs? Whatever. Sexual contact with other people? Not cool. That being said, male strippers gross me out, and I know that boyfriend thinks strip clubs are depressing, so presuming we get married at some point (knock on wood), I think our bachelor/bachelorette parties would be stripper-free events.
Most of my bachelor party experiences involve Niagara Falls and getting as shitfaced as possible. They're pretty much always great times to be had and only the single guys in our group would go after women. It's not a difficult thing to act that way. I just noticed I've posted here more than Nett now. Guess we all finally know who has the most free time on their hands. Ladies.
In my hungover, exhausted, post funeral state (friend's dad) I lost about 10 minutes mesmerized by the last one. I'm not complaining just dumbfounded.
I knew a guy who had a joint bachelor/ette party. He never admitted it, and I don't think he was insecure, but I've I think he was just making sure things just went smoothing until the wedding day with no drama and no worries on either side as to what went down. Then again, I've never seen a normal (not rich, not famous) dude outkick his coverage as far as he did. She was built by Maxim Editors and Programmed by ESPN, Nintendo and Rachel Ray. I'm pretty sure she's alien. I think he just wanted to make sure she didn't suck off some better looking stripper at the last minute and change her mind.
Well you guys have somewhat restored my faith in mankind. I had a conversation with my sister yesterday and she is freaking out about her boyfriend going to a bachelor party in Cabo, and all the hookers and coke that would be there. Then I come here and you are talking about the same things going on. I knew it was a "thing", but didn't know it was actually true
Methinks the group of people who fuck a stripper on their wedding night overlaps pretty heavily with those who fucked around before and after.
On another note, I am moving this week (yeah!!!) but packing can bite my fat ass. There's beer and pizza in it for anybody who wants to come by and help me!