This should go in the Rant/Rave thread, but fuck it. I just did my taxes and I really wish I hadn't. My money, it's gone.
I did my taxes for both 2011 and 2012 last week (I was lazy and didn't file last year) and am getting money back for both years. I wonder what I should spend it on?
I paid someone else $140 to do my taxes, and got back a sweet $6,000 check from the government. My money, it is here now.
I haven't done my taxes yet this year because I always have to write a big check. I'm in a bit of denial about it this year. You all with your fancy tax refunds, I hate you a little bit.
Pregnancy Myth #47: The mother-to-be isn't menstruating, therefore she won't have PMS. False! While it's true that your partner isn't having her period during this wonderful time, she does have elevated levels of hormones in her body that not only replicate the symptoms of PMS but may also increase it to levels that scientists have compared through empirical study to a rabid mongoose with a broken toenail who also recently experienced a nasty breakup. As a significant other, it's important that you remain supportive and helpful to the mom-to-be during this special period in her life, so try not to become frustrated or distant with her even though you may observe the following behaviors much more than normal: Frequent mood swings; Emotional outbursts, such as crying or yelling; Making outlandish, yet quite detailed threats against your physical well-being; and Slowly sharpening a large knife while watching you sleep. Remember, your partner's body is going through changes; even though she may want to blame you for minor disagreements or torture you slowly in the basement before ending your pathetic existence, she really only wants to do these things a little bit, not nearly as much as you may think! So don't get discouraged! It's helpful during this exciting time to remind yourself of the wonders of the miracle of childbirth, and also to downplay any life insurance policies you may have on yourself.
Just filed mine yesterday, I use to be a go getter with taxes and file as soon as I got all my forms, but got burned about three years ago with a reissued 1099 so now I just wait until mid-late March. Only looking at about $1,000 back but my income is pretty stable and I don't have any crazy deductions so I wasn't expecting much. ...Aren't you an employed nurse? Why don't you just adjust your W-4 to take out more taxes from your paycheck?
My girlfriend did my taxes in about a half hour and my refund was much better than expected. Being with a CPA has it's advantages.
i am actually an employed nurse practitioner. I am married and my husband is also employed. We each claim "0" deductions, we each put 10% of our income into a 401K so that isn't taxed, we own a house, and I have student loans I am not allowed to claim as a deduction. Apparently that means that the IRS still gets all of our money each year.
Are putting yourselves as married on your W-4's? Because that assumes you only have one income. If you put "single 0" or "married filing separately 0" instead of "married 0" you should be right on the mark. If you're already at one of those you can always throw some cash on line 6... this is assuming you want a refund/ to be as close to zero as possible, obviously you can keep doing what you're doing but I think most people hate writing that check.
Good to know, I will definitely check that out. I just changed jobs (well, 4 months ago) but can't remember how I listed because I didn't know how big of a difference it would make. I am sure that technically it all works out to the same amount of money, but it is pretty deflating to have to write that check every April 15. I guess my other option is to pop out a couple of little tax deductions. Shoot, I think I am too late for 2013 for that!
Looking for a new avatar? Hey did anything ever happen with nasty songs? I haven't been on but still good for the $100 if anyone cares to judge.