All I know about psyche hospitals is you don't fuck with them in their house, because you have NO IDEA what they are capable of. During one of very few visits I have been to one, I ran across a disobedient guest that orderlies were trying in vain to give med to. He was a schizo, quite severely judging from how loud he was yelling at a guy named Murray who apparently wasn't around at the time, and the big problem was this 6'6" leviathan also held blackbelts in at least four seperate disciplines. So whenever an orderly would make a move, he would throw a skull-shattering kick that would stop dead like a uniformed piston 3 inches from their face. It was awesome. This guy could have killed ANY of these people with one blow and he was just toying with them like they were trapped ants. When he got bored, he cooperated with them like nothing happened. Unpredictable places to say the least.
oh boy. All these years of your rationalization of a meaningless, materialistic lifestyle and you're just now coming to this conclusion? Let me guess, soon your wife will get knocked up, and you'll be preaching "sometimes you gotta sacrifice for your family, I now require six figures to afford my family the lifestyle to which they deserve". "Investment advisor" means hustling hard to sell people financial products they don't need? Say whaaaat? Silly man. Silly formulaic generation.
How people have those lifestyles where they can't sit down and do nothing for a weekend is incredible to me. I always feel like there is a problem in their lives they don't want to sit down and think about. I've done what I've seen said as "fuck all" this weekend its great. I have weekends where I go out and party all weekend, hangout with a bunch of people and have a great time. Other times I just need to chill the fuck out, play some videogames, watch some TV. If I don't have to leave my apartment for the day, that is a plus. I know people that are constantly going and I just think "You guys must be running from something." Its nice to sit down, think about what's going on in life, kill a few necromorphs in dead space, clear up the dvr and breathe. Also, I'm not dropping $100+ on booze and food. Ah, not doing shit is fantastic.
I don't know, I can see where he is coming from. I would rather make a bit less money and have a better quality of life than make enough to afford the latest and greatest. I have what I need, I actually have more than I need and am moving to a much smaller, less suburban home in the hopes of simplifying what I need. While I like my job, I don't want to spend more than the 40-45 hours of work a week doing it because I like what I do outside of my job more. Granted this is coming from somebody who does NOT have children and who makes a pretty comfortable living so it is a lot easier for me to tout the perils of consumerism when I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.
I'm too lazy to find them, but I'm pretty sure there have been studies done to show that people are happiest with normal hours and around 70-80k for income. I can't see myself ever making that much money unfortunately.
With my degree (Biology) I never thought I'd make six figures, but it a pleasant surprise to me that I'm well above that now. The down side is that I spent most of this afternoon working. I'm not all that enthralled with my current job. I can stick with a job that pays very well, close to home, or leave for a job that would entail spending 3-4 hours in a car everyday, and that I'm not fully qualified for.
Ballsack questions his job and life philosophy....color me confused and brown, for "Who gives a shit?" His post reminds me of this: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Please don't be true. Goddammit, humanity.
So call me crazy, but I actually do have (kind of) the job of which Ballsack speaks. Good hours, good vacation, good benefits, but I make considerably less than I could. And you know what? It's almost cute to hear people wax poetic about "quality of life" or "a more rewarding job" when the only thing they're doing is waxing poetic and not choosing that better job, or god forbid, making the sacrifices that come with it. I don't mean ballsack per se. But I do recall some guy working in finance bragging at a party about how he was thinking of applying to med school because a lavish lifestyle wasn't everything. I'm also thinking of my classmates who all salivate when I tell them about what I've done but aren't willing to put up with the instability to do it.
Allow me to explain what I have been up to this weekend via images .... Inside: (this uploaded upside down but hopefully gets the point across) Outside: And now KU is losing to Roy Williams so things are a little heated in here now. edit: eh fuck it.....the pics didnt turn out so Ill summarize. Boxes upon boxes inside and snow upon snow outside.
That is interesting. I have a similar position, maybe a bit lower on the compensation than Ballsack mentions, but my vacation time is ample, I rarely work more than 40-45 hours a week. However, I'm underpaid by probably 20-25% for my industry and 30-35% if I went client side. I'd gladly trade another 10-12 hours a week for the compensation gap. Granted, I live in a large city and cost of living is higher than suburban Nebraska, but that money would make all the difference. My dad has his own business and has worked at least 55-60 hours a week for the last decade. But he still has a pretty decent work life balance, has time to enjoy the financial success he has. He could use more hobbies and probably doesn't have to work as much, but he's passionate about it and is a workaholic cause he's amazingly driven. Personality wise we are different, but he's shown me what a template is like with a life like that and while I might not be one to go into the office at 6AM on a Saturday to play around with new tech they are working on, but I would prefer that ambition to being flat for most of my adult life. Also, this is all in a business focus. Working for a non-profit, in education, etc... where financial gain and profit isn't one of the driving goals makes your standards a bit different. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to any of this. Its preference. Settling for a quiet life and modest income doesn't make your life priorities anymore noble than working longer hours and making more $$.
I'm living on the easy side of this discussion. So far, less is more. I've only read twenty percent of this book, but so far, it's pretty good.
I think your life would much better if you didn't spend so much time clogging up threads with youtube videos no one watches. Just a guess.