I think my second toe is longer, but my toes are kind of permanently curled...and I can't spread my toes apart, at all. I might be wearing the wrong shoes. Or somebody is secretly binding my feet, like I'm a 19th century Chinese woman.
My first and second toes are the same length. I can pick up a golf ball between them. Am I doing this right? I actually sat on a fence once. Didn't see what all the hype was about.
I like my TiB time to be simple. Uncluttered. I used to enjoy periodically scrolling through the drunk thread, leisurely reading the chatter and snide remarks between members. It was nice. But those goddamn videos ruin the entire fucking experience. I don't even watch them, either. It just makes me spend one more second per post scrolling past that stupid shit, but that one extra second annoys the piss out of me. I don't care about your music--if I did, I would be in the music thread that was created for the express purpose of sharing your favorite YouTube music videos. I don't care if you've found the best video that expresses perfectly the Weltschmerz you've developed since all of your relatives were killed in a needless Palestinian conflict yesterday at noon. Seriously--I do not care. And neither does anyone else. Post it in the motherfucking video thread and rant in the motherfucking R&R thread.
The last few pages of this thread are the main reasons people like me don't post more. Y'all scary mother fuckers.
But I bet you could understand why someone would be excited about it, as well. I mean, you can understand both sides of the issue, but you don't want to really weigh in. Right? Or wrong...whichever you think.
Oh shut up, you dick. Frebis and Cowbell both answered my questions, graciously. I thanked them also. Now we're back to insulting each others upbringing and sexual orientation on the drunk thread. What's your excuse? You look and act like a jackal on National Geographic groveling in to nibble on the carcass. I think you show signs of necrophilia. Maybe you should get yourself checked.
OK OK my turn, my toes are a perfect little step stool of length with each toe proportioned exactly as it is supposed to be They are the most perfect part of my body and I am kind of judging you freaks where the second toe stands up taller than the other. Oh, and maybe Kate Winslet, because I like her as an actress and she is naked a lot and doesn't disappoint and I would hate to use this ONE CHANCE and pick somebody who wouldn't live up to the hype.
Do you have a Magic 8-Ball of ridiculous ad hominems that skirt but never quite hit Godwin's Law levels? If you're going to attack people and send survey chain emails as message board posts, at least make it interesting. In other news, I know Midwesterners have been getting hit with snow and us Northeasterners are going to get hit tomorrow. I know most people say they booze and catch up on TV during storms, but do any of you have more interesting plans?
1. Rex Ryan just came and he can't figure out why. 2. I think choosing your preferred male actor would reveal more about you. That Maroon 5 guy? Gerard Butler? Bradley Cooper? Inquiring minds want to know.
Jesus. The mods ignore the drunk thread for a measly three weeks, and look what it devolves into. Let's all get along nicely. Nitwit's five question personality test isn't unentertaining, either, although I don't see how the answers make you more or less of a fence sitter. I will weigh in, though, and agree that Youtube videos belong in the youtube thread. Music videos in the music thread. And snarky rants about one another go to PM or creepy notes slid under the person's windshield wiper so they can read it when they go to leave for work. /modding
Oh man, this is hard, especially because the guy I would want to see naked is not at all the guy I would want to have dinner with. Adam Levine I wouldn't avert my eyes if he appeared suddenly in the buff, Gerard Butler seems a bit slimy, Bradley Cooper does nothing for me and I bet he is a big fat meanie. Right now in this moment I am feeling David Beckham, but I reserve the right to change my vote after I can think about it.
I will also be thinking about David Beckham naked. Here's a study aide: Edit: You know what's miraculous about David Beckham? I didn't even notice he has the dreaded mustache/goatee combo until just now and, even moreso, I didn't even care after I did notice it.
Yea, that. Ignored is good. Leave us alone, anyway. It's the drunk thread. Moderating a place where drunk people are encouraged to gather makes it less. Cowbell and Frebis? I'm glad we had this talk. I'm still not convinced that both of you may not have ugly mothers.
Well it helps with the smell, and the unsightly decomposition. It's not like she can protest, anyway.