I thought they just hated it when you snuck up behind them while they're putting on lipstick, grabbed them by the shoulders, and shook them mid-application. Hmmph. The more you know. Not that I ever did that. No.
They also hate it at the laundromat when you put your hands on their shoulders and whisper in their ear "Mind if I throw in a load of white?" It's as if all women don't know an artist when they meet one.
My favourite PUA forum post that I saw during the wahooing was to the effect of "I can't go to Starbucks and tell the cute barista that her teeth-whitening product is working because she started complaining to the manager that I was harassing her". No shit.
It was just one after the other. A complete anus convention. Have you ever seen a group of people in your life more delusional than that? You could write a 200-page novel dedicated just to making fun of them.
The kids are all being quiet and chill. I'm sure they have plotted my demise. I might have to fend off an army of machete wielding four year olds at any moment.
Are you talking about that non-alcoholic bullshit they sell in the grocery store? If so I hope your kids defeat you. If you're talking about the real deal Bailey's I'm with you.
Part of the irony is that being forced (not literally, but by expectations or w/e) to live your life sweating and grunting in pancake makeup is pretty awful for your skin. Another shitty part of an industry with no lack of them. Several of these girls look better without makeup, though. To wit: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler This one might be because the makeup application is awful: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler This makeup is pretty subtle: Spoiler
See now that is all kinds of below the fucking belt. You would side with trifecta scourge of humanity? Just for that I'm going to pack them all up and sneak them into your house. And I'm going to leave them there. I'm going to leave them there hungry. When my sons eat your arms off you will see your words on the internet have real life consequences. Although the alcoholic stuff is better. Its just a bad idea to get drunk to early in the day when you have pip squeaks planning your demise.
Well...spring break got started off with some dramarama. An apartment down the hall had a fire. I spent about 10 minutes fighting with my fat furball to get him inside a carrier or pillow case while I heard fire trucks smelled something burning. I finally got him contained and we got outside into my car. I think my blood pressure is still a little high from it. Drinking helps, right?
HOLYSHIT IS THAT A FUCKING HERPES SORE?! Spoiler I wonder what her gear looks like below the equator. EDIT: For some reason I couldn't get that picture to load. Here it is:
Aaaannnnnnndddddd I just found my next story idea. Fantasy is what's selling, folks. I'll send you a check when I swiftly make my millions.
Everything about Ft. Lauderdale sucks, the airport being no exception. Awesome trip though. My favorite part? When I came out out the bathroom naked after a shower twirling my penis apropos of nothing and accidentally twirled some pee right onto my girlfriends face. She freaked out and threw up.
Sir, please. Anyone even mildly familiar with perioral lesions can plainly see it is a burn from a meth pipe.