Monkey Shines, a George A Romero film. I'd sum it up as a quadraplegic man has a helper monkey, the monkey gets all psycho-jealous and kills everyone close to him. Also features, 'a rare example of an intimate love scene with a severely handicapped protagonist'.. In one of the final scenes the hero shakes the monkey to death with his teeth. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>
Wait...this is a real thing? Wow. I'd heard about it before but always assumed it was a joke. Focus: I think Crank 2: High Voltage definitely falls into the so bad it's awesome category. It's a little hard to explain, but basically it's Jason Statham running around kicking the living crap out of anyone and everyone he meets, while also rubbing himself against pensioners at the racetrack. Also, Tropic Thunder. Edit: I'll also give a mention to a show called 18 Wheels Of Justice. I have no idea what the hell is meant to be going on, but basically a secret agent goes undercover, delivering justice from, of all things, his 'tricked out' big rig. Also, it has G. Gordon Liddy as the badguy.
There can be no mention of awesomely bad movies without mentioning Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky It all started when my friends and I found this clip on Kazaa (or whatever p2p thing we were using at the time) So I bought it and watched it, and have yet to see any movie that is as gory and ridiculous. That clip isn't even close to being the best part in the movie. From a prison warden who keeps mints in his fake eye, to a dude cutting himself open to strangle Ricky with his own intestines (yeah, that happens), you would be doing yourself a disservice by not watching this movie.
How have we gotten this far without anyone naming Plan 9 From Outer Space? I guess it was just too obvious. My personal favorite is House of Dead. The best part was watching the interview with German director excitedly talking about all the head exploding scenes and super duper action. This movie is hilarious from beginning to end. Bad acting, bad special effects, bad writing, it has it all. The premise is that there is the 'rave of the year' hosted by sega on an island with zombies. This was awesome too. I saw it on tv a few years ago. And seriously people, Mighty Ducks wasn't good, but it doesn't belong in this category.
I can honestly say this is the first time I've heard the words "best" or "hilarious" associated with Uwe Boll where they weren't included in the sentence, "Uwe Boll getting his tongue and eyes eaten out of his face by that trained woodpecker in front of Lucky Best Laundry was the most hilarious and justifiable death I've ever witnessed."
This movie plays once a year at a local theater, and they even go so far as to play old horror movie previews from that same year. Fuck Lord of the Rings. This and this alone is Peter Jackson's finest work.
This is the kind of horror movie they play on Lifetime. Not because it's about female empowerment or anything, but in the way that the main character is female. There is one scene of unnecessary nudity. They hint, but never acknowledge that Christina's dad wants to fuck her. The only scary thing about the entire movie is her mother, and that's not even on purpose. Other movies that fit into this category: AND
I liked Gymkata as a kid, goddamn it! Anyways, I don't think purposely over-the-top, strongly comedic films like the "Evil Dead" series or "Riki-Oh" qualify, and some people here don't understand what a "parody" is. (Tropic Thunder, Evil Dead again, etc.) Among the ones that haven't been mentioned, Reefer Madness (1936) A propaganda film about how teenagers become murdering lunatics under the awful effects of marijuana. The American Ninja Series (80s)- I like 80's martial arts films an awful lot, cheese and all, and there was nothing more ridiculous than this series of films, especially the first two. The only thing the trailer is missing is a "This time, it's PERSONAL" at the end. Deadly Prey (1988)- Crown Royal mentioned this gem in the movies topic. Honestly, this hysterical video doesn't even do it justice; Birdemic (2008)- I linked to this in the movies topic, and while it's hard to even call this a "movie" in any sense, the trailer is too funny;
Beat me to the punch, but I have to do this anyway to explain the utter man-love for this film of all films: Back when I was a kid in the mid 80's, the rental boom exploded and suddenly everyone was living in Orgasmville because you could watch thousands of movies just by renting them at the video stores springing up on every corner. You have to remember: you couldn't just instantly sniff out a shitty B-movie like today. Everyone was naive, and sometimes videos that never made the theatre were spectacular and became bonifide classics (Re-Animator is a prime example) and some were classics because they SUCKED. Deadly Prey is the ne plus ultra. You look at the cover of the VHS box, see some 'roid freak brandishing a huge gun with a helicopter exploding in the background and think "Wow, this movie looks awesome!!!!" WRONG. Instead, you get a movie with the most rubber-stamped acting you can imagine, a pedestrain action movie script that makes Commando look like Casablanca, pyrotechnics out of a Great White* concert, and a now legendary soundtrack score with a hammering "BUH-NUH-NUH!!!" everytime something suspenseful happens. Just watch this utterly hysterical clip and see (it's dubbed in French for some reason, but the words aren't what's important here): have no idea what you're missing. We're talking about a film where our hero is armed only with acid-washed jorts, the only two female characters get their brains blown out in cold blood and a guy literally gets his arm ripped off and beat to death with it. What are you waiting for? This will be the best 90 minutes of your life, I have no doubt. *-Rimshot.
No Lone Wolf McQuade yet? I haven't seen it in over 10 years but I'll never forget this awesome scene. He's like Popeye, and beer is his spinach. I also like the spinning machine gun maneuver at the 30 second mark in this one
Awesome write-up. By the way, here's the English version of that "hiding" scene. It's even funnier; Focus- How have we gotten this far without posting the following three classics? Undefeatable (1989)- It's about a violent, psychic martial arts rapist (seriously) and serial killer complete with some of the most ridiculous characters, quotes, "acting", and choreography I have ever seen. Everyone has seen the following video of the climactic fight, but that doesn't do it full justice; Troll 2 (80s) Silent Night, Deadly Night, (80s) Probably not a very funny movie overall, but this scene is amazing;
I give you: Wesley Willis The late great Wesley Willis is a part-retarded 300 pound paranoid schizophrenic with serious anger issues that wrote hundreds of songs, many about other celebrities. This shit has to be heard to be believed, because his voice and unreal lyrics will turn your spine into a petrified cactus: Fucking LISTEN to this shit. I haven't the words: One more for the road. I'm DYING here:
I have fond memories of staying out all night with friends and all of us coming back to imbibe more booze and pot until The 700 Club came on and made us laugh tears at the random, lacquered hair, brazen simony and shitty music. Only after the show was over, were we aloud to crash.