Phantom of the Mall- Eric's Revenge Another 80's shopping mall horror film, this one is hysterical. Essentially it's about a high school kid that looks like Eric Stoltz in Mask that "haunts" a mall, taking revenge on those who burned him. It's a great mall, complete with a hardware store that has full tanks of propane and flamethrowers sitting on open shelves. Apparently, getting horribly scarred bestows you with cheesy martial arts skills and a creepy voice as well. Let's watch him dispatch with Chandler's mom (Morgan Fairchild) while her friends stand around and watch:
I have to run with Spaceballs, The Princess Bride, Blazing Saddles, and Strange Brew. All of these movies are dumb but I've spent so much time laughing at them that I have to believe they are funny or that I'm simply easily amused. Hopefully its a combination of both. Fart humor always kills me.
What are you talking about? Blazing Saddles is one of the most critically acclaimed comedies of all time. Let me explain this again: I was talking about things that are over the top horrible. Not "I saw Varsity Blues and it fucking sucked but the stripper teacher part was funny". We ALL know a movie like Varisty Blues sucks sweaty hog cock. You can't post satires like Spaceballs or Hot Shots because those films are MEANT to be silly. We want things that are meant to be taken seriously, but end up being unintentionally hilarious. To hammer an example home, try this unbelievable clip: or this (seriously, this is no joke):
Why the hell do people put shit on the internet, well Daniel Tosh, here is your next web redemption. This is always a classic. Spoiler I think the best part is the girl clapping at the end. Gets me everytime.
I bring to you the horror of Jan Terry. She has the voice of Elmer Fudd, the body of a living sausage and the face that only a Cleveland Steamer could love. Note, look how professionally done her music video is. That shit cries "high production value".
Focus- Crossing over into music, I always loved this. I've always wondered if it was made this way intentionally or not.
This thread just went into overdrive. Looks like we have to start bringing out the big guns... Ladies, prepare to feel your G spot explode like firecrackers on the fourth... ...and wait for it...
New TiB party. Take 3 hits of acid. Watch every video in this thread start to finish. Best Wesley Willis song ever:
I check your king with my bishop. I think two drops of pee came out after this mess... ARE WE GAY YET!??!?! JESUS!!!
This one needs a short back story: Back in the early part of 2000, boy bands were at their peak. There were TONNES of them just clogging up the airwaves like a ferocious cancer and Canada had a few as well, none more noteworthy than the thespians knowns as B4-4 (Get it??! "Three"!! Brilliant!!!). This group and video features three of the fucking creepiest looking handitards in the solar system singing a phenomenolly faggy song with voices that will make you want to sink a power drill into your eye socket in the stupidest video you can possibly imagine. I mean, the dudes are playing basketball while in football jersies. I remember when this came out I nearly threw up into my hands with both horror AND laughter, and then had a two-hour long cold shower followed by a self-lashing with a cat o' nine tails. Don't say I didn't warn you...
Manhood redefined: If you haven't heard of Gunther, sit down and just enjoy the ride Also, re-post of of the stuff that was deleted earlier with Nettdata's permission, watch before he sobers up and realizes he made the right call by deleting them in the first place: Chris Dane Owens, I'll let Film Drunk take this one. And Mark Gormley, take not of the awkward stance shifts he performs throughout the song, it really makes the video
I present to you The Guyver. Just saw a portion of it last night on HBO where it's slated next to the Hangover and Last House on the Left. I guess they just needed something the audience wouldn't get. It's like Power Rangers, but less badass with no hot pink ranger. You will be amazed to no ends at how this movie got granted production.