Re: Re: Sober January and Other Promises I made it two weeks when the court suggested I not drink for a year, longest two fucking weeks of my life.
Little over a week without nicotine (cigars). First few days were a bitch but hopefully itll smooth out soon. As much as I enjoyed the taste of cigars, I had become addicted to not only them but the action of smoking them. There are plenty of ways to die, and self-infliction is not one I fancy. Hopefully I stick with quitting this time around. 291st time is a charm!!... Right?
Re: Re: Sober January and Other Promises I'm on 11 days, I can't believe it's still January and not the end of fucking days.
I started Crossfit last year and lost 30 pounds despite having a pregnant wife at home for part of the year (I know, what a great excuse). I dabbled in the Paleo diet towards the end of the year, I would say I was 20% Paleo, 80% of the time. So, this year, my goal was to continue with Crossfit and become a more strict adherent to Paleo. This past week, I started up with Paleo again. The first few days were torture but it's leveling off nicely and I feel like I am getting my energy back. I'm still having trouble staying on the wagon on the weekends though. Anyone have any tricks to keep yourself going through the weekend? Routines, etc.?