Which will still take forever. Unless he cooperates with authorities in a plea deal to avoid the death sentence (again, in my opinion the death penalty is the easy way out), which is the best case for us because then we get the most intelligence out of it and he gets the worst face. And to the poster at the top of this page, I'm certain he'll get "loosened up" at least a few times each day. Simply because the alternative of solitary confinement is such a horrible fate, he might as well just learn to like it. In the ass.
It won't be swift, but it won't be 20+ year process like some capital murder cases. And he will never see gen pop.
You are correct. http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/massachusetts-0 SWEEEEEEEETTTTT!!!!!!! Let this asshole rot. He's only 19. His whole life is ahead of him. And now his whole life is going to be spent behind bars. Hopefully he can do something good with his life in jail, but either way I am glad that's where it will be.
If he gets convicted on terrorism and federal murder charges, he could still get the death penalty and it wouldn't matter what the MA law is.
The Unabomber was sent straight to Supermax where you have no human contact 23 hours a day. If this guy doesn't end up there, he will be entirely segregated in prison. It works that way and they do not have a choice, any high profile prisoner in America, whether you are big-case crime or a celebrity you get put into the protective custody wing while they're a guest.
If he goes to prison, he'll never talk and probably get shanked. Can they send him to Gitmo as a combatant or something to prolong his life and actually interrogate him?
From what I've heard most people in PC have a pretty big bounty on their heads, so unless they're in Florence (Colorado) someone is likely to get to them at sometime, or they're likely to go by their own hands. Either way, the people who commit this high profile crimes really do have hell to pay, whether we see it or not, they suffer. I can't imagine being locked up 23 hours a day and only have 60mins of rec by yourself. How many people can spend a week by themselves let alone years?
There is no greater suffering than prison. It guarantees you one thing and one thing only: a terrifying and brutalizing journey into hell. It is the animal factory, because if you don't go in one you can bet your ass you come out one.
That's if he gets offered a plea deal. If they don't think there's any other loose ends, they might not have a reason to issue one. The again Eric Holder is a pussy and a bit of a putz, so who knows.
It honestly, literally, stresses me the fuck out to even think about life in solitary or max security prison. I can't go more than a few minutes without some kind of interaction with someone or something, a person, an animal, a computer, something (think it's because I have ADHD). If I had life in prison it'd take me a few weeks before I'd string some bed sheets together and hang myself. Or I'd just keep running into the wall until I gave myself brain damage, or something.
I meant in exchange for mentioning names of others (no way this dude doesn't know other potential terrorists, or even have other accomplices in this). From what I've heard and read they had a pretty good stockpile of bombs, and the dude's older brother was wearing a suicide vest. So of course they have some intel that would be highly valuable. Get a bunch of hard-looking, physically-imposing FBI agents vs this aggressively strip-searched, handcuffed asshole in a room and threaten him with the death penalty, then say "but we can give you life in prison if you tell us what you know?" All the sudden someone starts squealing like a stuck pig before fully contemplating what "life in prison" fully entails.
It's either they view it as entertainment, or it scares people into thinking "if this happened to them in Boston it could happen to me." I feel more anger towards the media and their reporting of the situation than I do for the actions of the bombers, and I feel about as much sympathy towards the victims in Boston as I do to the dozens of people who died in Iraq the same day, which is practically nothing. Boston might as well be Iraq to me. The one thing that makes this newsworthy at all is the country that the bombing took place in, if this happened anywhere else in the world it might have warranted two sentences in a ticker along the bottom of the screen during a segment about North Korea going to super-serious-but-maybe-not ALERTCON DELTA 1. Worse shit happens every day around the world, I don't have the time or the emotional capacity to care about every bad thing that happens to people just because they happen to live within the same geopolitical boundary as me. On the internet point, I don't browse 4Chan so I don't know if they did anything similar, but there are like two subreddits I subscribe to and I look at the main page from time to time and all I could really focus on on that main page was the spreading of false information about the identities of the bombers which led to Redditards making phone calls to the house of one of the guys they suspected and telling his parents what an awful human being he was and that he was a murderer. Way to go. I also find it odd that people are seriously wanting this guy to go to Gitmo or just having law enforcement violate his basic human rights. First off, pretty sure it's been proven that torturing prisoners usually leads to bad information if any at all. Secondly, isn't the US supposed to be better than violating peoples' basic human rights regardless of who they are or what they done? I'm not usually idealistic about anything, but once you start down the slope of "Well yeah but he did this so fuck that guy" it gets easier and easier to loosen that boundary more and more. I can't say I'd really feel any sympathy if Jamal and Tyrone went cock-spelunking in this guys asshole (after he was proven guilty with actual evidence he committed these crimes) day-in day-out or if he was tortured, but once you open that door it becomes difficult to shut.
I don't think they'll even have to put the death penalty on the table. He's 19, and more than likely was a willing participant more out of loyalty to his brother than any political ideology ( which will probably be his defense strategy). If there's anything to know and he knows it, he'll give it up faster than a slut on prom night. I agree life in solitary is a far greater punishment (I've seen that kind of facility first hand and what it did to a kid not much younger than him after one week--1 WEEK!) but the death penalty makes a stronger statement and I think for most Americans, anything less would be unequal justice.
Well, we are about to witness what the Government really needed this for: From NDAA 2012, section 1021: I suspect that this guy has a relaxing life of waterboarding ahead of him in sunny Guantanamo Bay.