Violate his basic human rights? This guy gave up his basic human rights when he purposely planted a bomb next to an 8 year old and it's mother. This idiot has been here since he's 9 years old, he received a scholarship at prestigious high school, had plenty of friends, and was a very good athlete. I can tell you at 19 I wasn't doing nearly as well as he was and I never even considered making a bomb and blowing up people. As far as torture leading to bad information goes, tell that to Seal Team 6 and all the other successful missions to kill terrorist pieces of shit that came from information from "torture". Don't worry though, with Holder in charge of the operation at this point, I can pretty much guarantee NOTHING will come of having this clown in custody. The best we can hope is for him to be ass raped every day for the rest of his life, and I hope it's a long suffering one with plenty of time for regret.
I wish that prisons would encourage their worst prisoners to off themselves before it comes out of the taxpayers pocket: equip their solitary cells with every sharp object known to man, and mYbe some pre-knotted sheets with a sturdy overhead pipe. I mean, from last meals to lethal injection cotton swabs, your country seems to spend lots of unnecessary money keeping these assholes healthy enough to execute.
Gotta say, this post really left me scratching my head. You show an utter lack of empathy for the victims of terror attacks; not just those in foreign places but those in your own country. People who, I believe, identify with a lot of the same culture that you probably do. Then you go on to show more concern with the manner in which people respond to the capture of an individual who has allegedly murdered/complicit in the murder and maiming of a couple dozen of your own countrymen. What gives?
I think that it's fucked up to support or applaud rape (prison or otherwise) as a methodology of justice. It's impossible to separate being happy that somebody got raped with implicitly condoning the rapist.
I'm not trying to be a hardass or anything and say I don't care or feel anything, but like I said what I feel for the people in Boston isn't any more significant than what I feel for the people who died in Iraq (just as an example) today, or yesterday, or the day before that. I have a hard time feeling anything for people who I don't know in a place that I have never been to and have almost no connection with entirely. Boston might as well be any other place in the world where innocent people were murdered, I just happen to share a common geopolitical boundary with them. Do you feel the same amount for people anywhere else in the world who have been killed in this last week as you do those in Boston? If not, then you should be able to see where I'm coming from. The reason I'm concerned about the response to this event is because it is something that effects everyone here in America and there are right and wrong ways to handle the situation. It seems a lot of people are the "eye for eye" type in this situation but I personally identify as a "do unto others" kinda guy more often than not, and I'm not saying one is completely right or wrong, there is a time and place for both. Truth be told I don't feel a whole lot of empathy for the people in Guantanamo bay even though I know what is going on there is without a doubt 100% wrong and goes against multiple different basic rights. Like I said, I find it hard to empathize with people when I have no idea who they are, the only reason I know they exist is because the internet tells me they do. If you give the government the government okay to go ahead and torture people you're giving them that power over yourself. Of course, chances here are that no one is going to commit a terrorist attack so you probably think you're okay, but whose to say they don't start torturing people for other crimes or reasons once they start? Ask anyone who was a POW in Vietnam how they feel about torture and see if you don't change your tune. If it's okay to torture this guy then where do we draw the line? It's pretty widely accepted that torture is not only an ineffective way of getting someone to divulge information but can be harmful in intelligence gathering. Though I suppose if you torture hundreds of people like we have been in Guantanamo you're bound to find a diamond in the rough eventually. Personally I hope during his sentence the bomber comes to regret his actions and realizes that what he has done is wrong and makes a sincere apology. I wouldn't really care if he did get raped and he may even rightfully deserve more than our justice system can legally hand out, but it isn't something that I would wish on anyone, and people suffering even when they deserve it doesn't really make me feel any better.
Cult makes a perfect point. What makes this guy special to give animalistic treatment over the monsters of your country's past? I will NEVER shake that photograph, but case in point: John Wayne Gacy tormented, assaulted and murdered 33 young boys. They dies in sheer terror, pain, and blood. He was investigated, found guilty, sent to prison and executed. No torture, people were glad that shit-fuck was compost. Remember when they pulled those daycare kids out of the wreckage in Oklahoma? I do. McViegh and Nichols got dealt the hardest cards in the system and they were caught fast. Dead and life in prison were just fine with most people. Growing up very close to you guys, America to me was the powerhouse democracy 50 miles away. The example to lead it by. You don't fucking TORTURE PEOPLE. Where is that democratic? You can't talk down about the middle east while stooping to their medieval ways at the same time. And where does it get overwhelmingly truthful results? It's 10% resourceful and 90% criminal revenge bullshit. Send this guy through the system the right way, and he's toast. I feel America WILL do this, and set a great example by doing so.
I didn't realize human rights were contingent on one's actions. If he had planted the bomb next to a rapist, would he still lose his rights? You're letting anger and emotions cloud your judgement, leaving a pretty flimsy argument.
E. Tuffmen, I made a little bet with myself. I bet that I could search your posts for the word "constitution" and find some hypocrisy. It wasn't as good as what I was hoping, but I got something: <a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.theidiotboard.comsearch.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&author_id=328" onclick=";return false;">search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&author_id=328</a> Also, since you love the constitution so much, you might do well to recall the declaration of independence: men are endowed with INALIENABLE rights. Double also, get your information on the utility of torture from places other than Hollywood movies.
Just so you know, the DoI has no legal bearing in the US. Don't worry though, most Americans don't seem to know that either.
Yeah, I'm not on board with the torture/rape wishes either. I don't see how that makes anyone feel better. Those are ugly, ugly things; they don't become great when done to the right people. People like this guy don't even deserve to be hated. If you do something like plant a bomb with the intention of killing innocent people, then you're something other than human and you should simply no longer be allowed to exist among the rest of us. I think as soon as he's found to be guilty he should be quietly executed and that should be it. No more plastering his name and face all over the news, no more building up his fame. This guy is nothing - he's not a piece of shit, he's not filth, he is nothing. Of course he should be investigated fully by law enforcement in an attempt to stop anyone else like him, but apart from that he should be erased and forgotten.
You know it's funny, I'd almost swear that since I explicitly differentiated the declaration of independence from the constitution, people would have picked up the fact I was aware the declaration of independence isn't actually a law. Oh well, so much for attempting to use the appeal of the declaration's flourish and rhetoric to illustrate a point.
You are correct sir. I'm extremely angry that this happened, and yes it did and does cloud my judgement; especially when you consider the fact that that fucker is obviously smiling in the picture revengeofthenerds posted (and I've seen that pic before it was posted here). I can't help but see my kids and my wife in their place and it makes me angry and vengeful. Their actions make no sense. I'm actually kind of flattered that you searched my posts and found one from 3 years ago that doesn't really even relate to what I was talking about. Where in my post this morning did I mention the constitution? Forgive me if I offended your liberal sensibilities. I have no doubt you probably know a lot more about a great many things than I do, but at least I'm not a pretentious douche bag.
Gotta love it when the media tries to blame one brown person and it turns out to be a completely different one from a different part of the world. What do you want to bet all the connections to terror groups are massively overblown and these are basically your garden variety mass murderering dipshits? It's only terrorism when we say it is... This. The country's in a sad fucking state when we suspend our constitution for this kind of bullshit.
Which is why we don't make a jury of victims. Vengeance and justice are completely separate of each other. One is an emotional response based on knee-jerk reactions, the other is a system of due process. Regardless of the circumstances, I'd rather let 100 bombers walk free than let our judicial system sentence one innocent person based on vigilante justice.