You brought up the Constitution when you brought up the discussion of rights. Rights are not privileges. You can get a driver's license and enjoy the privilege of driving, but you do not get a license for having your Miranda rights read to you. If you can't hold on to these very important principles in the face of a trying situation, or even appreciate that holding to these principles when inconvenient is what separates a first world democracy from a banana republic, then I don't know what to tell you.
This is exactly how things should be. To those of you whom think otherwise: 1) You don't know, for a fact that these guys did it. You're being told by the media and police that they did it. You didn't witness it. You didn't see them do it. You are relying on others to be right. And they are human beings and sometimes they get it wrong. The whole point of having a system like the one we have is to protect people from being punished for accusations alone. 2) Because you think someone did something and therefore relinquish their rights is absolutely ludicrous. If you truly believe in freedom, then ensuring that due process is followed, even for someone whom you think is reprehensible, is what is required. Otherwise, let's hope you're not accused of something (which you may not have done) and stripped of all your rights because someone else thought you did something reprehensible. 3) If these guys did it, and the police were able to track them down so quickly, then they can produce the evidence at trial, and these guys (or guy as the other one is dead) will get their day in court, and if they're convicted, they'll be punished. To try to punish them NOW, especially at the urging of a bunch of people who weren't there and are not witnesses in any way, shape or form, is mob justice. And mobs are not well known for their logic. True freedom applies to everyone, not just the best members of a society. Otherwise, they're not freedoms anymore, they're privileges. If these guys did it, they'll be tried like everyone else. I'm not saying these guys didn't do it - all I'm saying is I don't know they did it because I wasn't there and they haven't had a trial yet. I'll wait for the facts to come out before I start damning people.
Isn't it more of a fuck-you to take them through the legal system the right way, rather than have them tortured, so they think "I may be getting my shit railed, but at least I proved that America is a piece of shit."
I have a lot of respect for the way Norway handled the Anders Breivik trial. The guy made a mockery of his trial, and no one would have faulted them for bending the rules, but they stuck to their principles and did it by the book. Principles aren't principles if they get discarded when they're inconvenient.
Actually wouldn't going through the legal system and ending up in a regular US prison put him at more risk of "getting his shit railed"?? Although assuming he is tried and convicted, he'll likely end up at that Supermax in Colorado.....which to me is a fate worse than death. I'm against using the enemy combatant label for US citizens captured on US soil. I do think there should be a middle ground where the cops/FBI/whoever can go to a judge and get a warrant to interrogate him for a set amount of time (specified in the warrant, which the authorities can apply to renew if needed) for the specific purpose of getting time-sensitive intelligence to roll up other members of his cell, if any, and/or prevent imminent attacks, after which point he will be Miranda-ized and turned over to the US legal system. I also think this douche and any other Islamist terrorist scumbags who happen to be US citizens should be charged with treason in addition to whatever other crimes they've committed--a particularly egregious case here, as he had just taken the citizenship oath seven months prior. I don't understand why we've become so reluctant to charge people with treason--and it's not just a criticism of Obama, as it was the Bush Administration that refused to use the charge in what would've seemingly been an open-and-shut treason case (John Walker Lindh).
I wasn't sure if anybody had posted this link yet, if anyone wants to contribute: One Fund I think New Balance donated a million bucks, and several other large donations have come in. And, if you want to give in an alternative way, help replace that dude's boat. and here . . .
These pictures are pretty crazy. You had to assume stuff like this would come out in this technology infused age we live in... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... t-pictures</a>
Dude had some balls to put himself out there during the middle of a huge gun fight. Though Im not sure if it's balls or retardedness.
It would be fucked up for that to happen, even though it happens every day in prisons all over the world. Come on now, where's your humanity! The way I understood it was that calling him an enemy combatant would only allow the gov to hold him for 30 days before they had to submit proof by a preponderance of the evidence that he was, in fact, an enemy combatant. It would give them enough time to do exactly what you suggested. So, if that's the case I don't see why they couldn't have just done this from the beginning. I know we aren't getting all the facts and we are not privy to everything, but it seems reasonable to me if that's how it works.
Strip them of their citizenship, they become citizens a few months ago and then pull this shit? It appears they were waiting to become citizens so they would be afforded the rights of one. Fraudulent citizenship. Airmail them to Gitmo.
Piers Morgan called ut a Senator for tweeting support for the torture of Tsarnaev. Morgan is an asshole, but I'm glad to see some media opposition to the paranoia and knee-jerk shit (even if that opposition is likely points-scoring).
I'd say its on par with the people taking videos near the fertilizer plant in West, TX just before it exploded.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... se.html?hp</a>
I figured he just jacked off after making a bomb. I mean that's what any normal person would do.... right?
Well, that right there tells me they absolutely were trying to help him out. I mean, if he said take what you want, and they were just acting greedy - grabbing laptops, CD player (do kids still have those?) etc - seems defensible. But, when they try to get rid of a common household product, that can be used in this way? They knew what he was doing with it.
Well, I guess there are followers for every type of person in the media spotlight:
She sounds like a real life success. Doesn't this happen pretty regularly with serial killers, terrorists, and generally terrible people? Charles Manson had an army of starstruck fangirls too. Bitches be crazy.
Scott Peterson got marriage proposals from women while he was on death row: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>