Does anyone know about the materials used? How about the other two bombs that were diffused? Are they classified as IED's? Also, was the library fire related or not? The thing about this that is shocking is how easy it is to find brutal, graphic images and videos of this. I can't remember an incident that has this much amateur journalism covering it. One other thing, if the police use social media photos, would that be admissible in court?
Those before and after pics are just unbelievable. Look at all of those poor people lining the street. That poor Father that lost his 8 year old Son, his wife suffered a severe brain injury and his 7 year old Daughter lost a leg. I just sit and shake my head. I left work early yesterday not feeling well. I went home and just sat there watching as the new pics and reports came in and the numbers of the injured grew and grew. Soon I found myself crying and literally having 9/11 flashbacks because it was the same feeling I had that day. The SO came in and asked why I was watching it. All I could say was that I felt like I should be because there was nothing more I could do. It hurts my heart, my guts and my brain, in trying to figure why someone would do it.
1) Pressure cooker, metal fragments like ball bearings and nails for shrapnel, and they're just confirming gunpowder; that's all they know right now. They confirmed that there actually were not two other bombs. Those were inaccurate statements. Only bombs were the two that went off. I would assume these are technically an "improvised explosive device" but I'm not an expert on that. 2) By most all accounts the library fire was not related. That story has pretty much fallen by the wayside in the past 24 hours.
I've heard more than one source said a third bomb was dismantled a little further past the finish. Was that false?
It's an Improvised Explosive Device, so yes. Technically speaking, anything that isn't manufactured in a military arsenal is an IED, including a suicide vest. They're not just hotwired artillery shells by the Kandahar roadside. Also, from the BBC: So if it's two, very crude IEDs, this would indeed confirm the theory that we're dealing with a lone nutjob here. You'll note that no terrorist group has actually come forward and claimed responsibility for the attacks, despite it having been a while now since they occurred. It seems possible at this stage that the library was just a very unfortunate coincidence. Authorities have suggested as such, and the damage caused by the fire there is inconsistent with an explosion like the marathon IEDs and suggests an electrical fire of some sort. Also, why in blue hell would you put a bomb - if you only had 3 - in an outflung wing of a library that was never going to be that frequented anyway? Whoever orchestrated this took care to pick locations which would cause maximum casualties; they could've picked a station, a movie theatre, a school - a library just doesn't fit the MO. It makes no sense. (Cue insane fucking people suggesting that the two bombs at the Marathon were a diversion to distract us from the real target which was a secret Illuminati Archive revealing how the Moon Landings were faked being held at JFK Library)
I believe Boston PD has dispelled that during either last night's or this morning's presser. IIRC there were rumors of a third bomb past the finish line either going off as people ran away or found and being detonated by authorities. Either way, the only two bombs that were found and/or went off were the two that went off during the race. To my knowledge there are no other bombs the authorities have discovered at this time. Though I honestly wish they do find another explosive, not only to save it from doing more damage, but also because that'll make the investigation into who did this sick act that much easier.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 44319.html</a> Some of those fuckers are definitely just stealing. Classless bastards.
I'll say. Just look at these open sores of human beings: (won't embed for some reason) The streets are red with blood, and theft is the only thing crossing your mind? Somebody post these assholes' identities already.
There will be people, probably from 4chan or something, that will make that their mission in life. I sure as fuck hope so, and I hope every one of those bastards in that video gets the shit beat out of them. Except for the smiling douchebag at the 0:45 mark. I want him to get ass raped in prison.
This kind of thing really disturbs me. I usually go about my day assuming the strangers passing me by are, in general, good and decent. No, not even that - I assume they aren't pieces of shit. I assume they feel empathy and have consciouses. I assume it's not just the law/fear of being caught that's keeping them from lying, cheating, and stealing at every possible opportunity. It's so easy to think of "the bad guys" as people who only crawl out of their holes at night, but videos like this one* show that a significant portion of the "normal" population, people you would describe as "some dude" or "that lady," just don't give a fuck. *Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm not 100% sold on what we're seeing is actually looting. Those people don't look like they know a bomb just went off. Anyway, what I'm talking about is still valid either way - just look at the videos of people looting here in Vancouver a couple years ago after the hockey riots.
This will be worse than the Internet shamming from the Vancouver riots. Every single last person in that video will catch real-life flack. And unfortunately, I'm sure a lot of them were getting jackets for legitimate reasons, like for the victims.
I got absolutely zero altruism vibe from that scene. They're scattering in all directions. And that is the excuse they will use when they get decimated for it. "I was getting jackets for the victims! Terror attacks decrease body temperatures."
To be fair, in the Carrie Jones article, she did say that the runners were shivering, so that does have some weight behind it.
They are already auctioning off the "like brand new" finisher's medals they stole for $100 online. So, there's that. You can see a guy casually looking for his jacket size in the video and walking away when finding it in the pile. So, stealing.
Oh, and red is selling "believe in Boston" stickers and shirts for only $25. They refuse to say where the profits will go. Nice, huh?
Like basketball? Like art? Want to help the victims of the Boston attacks? Well then you'll definitely wanna check out "Basketball Art for Boston" All proceeds from the art go to victims of the Boston attacks. (**I am not one of the artists listed, nor do I know any of the artists and/or journalists involved in this project. In fact, I am not even an artist myself. But I am a Spurs fan, and that's how I heard about this. Please buy the art if you can. You get something cool, and you get to donate in return.)
Gotta love this particular brand of dipshittery. Wait until people get killed here to suddenly remember the poor Iraqi children. And then they have the nerve to call expressions of sympathy and solidarity "fake" and "hypocritical". To these fucks, if you're not wallowing in existential angst about every bad thing that's ever happened, you're not allowed to express grief or distress.
What, you mean the dude (bald, with glasses) at 0:48 with the cigarette dangling from his mouth and a slurpee cradled in one arm and a load of jackets in the other doesn't look like he's headed to render aid? Good grief.
Maybe I'm just reading this wrong(entirely possible since I am going on 2 hours of sleep due to a sick toddler), but that's not what I said. I was pointing out how disingenuous it is for a news agency to play the blame game with Islamic terror organizations when no one can say for a fact that it even was a Islamic terror organization yet.
Ricin attacks aren't anything new: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> I heard this news on NPR this morning, and the anthrax attacks were brought up, but I was more reminded of these assholes: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... out/nQNP6/</a>