To be honest, I highly doubt any good will come from this amateur vigilantism besides, possibly, some additional material for the police to analyse. Half of the image analysis seems to concentrate on "isolate the brown guy and arbitrarily decree why he looks suspicious" and the other half is dealing with two dudes who're obviously some form of security or another. They're both clearly wearing some form of pass and ID badge and have pretty much the same semi-military/LEO uniform; boots, tan tactical trousers, black soft shell and black tactical backpack. In one of the pictures some cretin has even labelled it "secret police uniform". Do they really think that the fucking bombers are going to show up to an event with this type of visibility in MATCHING FUCKING TACTICAL OUTFITS? All these keyboard analysts getting massive, cheeto-crusted boners when they think they've discovered some "clue" is just chaff in the wind. They have literally no idea what they're talking about.
CNN reporting that an arrest has been made in connection with the second bomb. They apparently have a suspect on two different videos showing him placing the actual bomb.
I did see that article actually being discussed/disagreed with randonmly on B1LY's site, I don't read I thought "Hm, other people are thinking like I am." For the record, I think the same thing anytime any tragedy happens because we know the backlash. I was hoping the same about the Beltway Sniper and Christopher Dorner. Those stories were luckily contained with full blown narratives attached. I sure as fuck was praying it was true for Adam Lanza, and it was. Now as I said there are stories that are turning his legacy into "OMG he was bullied, we need to stop bullying" as opposed to "huh, white people sure are shooting up a lot of schools." The narrative doesn't change for brown people, it stays on "THEY DID THIS TO US" because "us" here is white, that will never happen. I also have quite a few Muslim friends that have discussed their experiences at airports or in small town America since 9/11. I'm trying to get one to email her experience on a road trip so I can post it here. My girlfriend is actually Iranian, but calls herself Persian unless pressed because she wants to dodge all the racial profiling shit that is abound. Also, I'm not talking about Uncle Sam being on us. I'm more concerned about the day to day lives of the normal people and the climate that is impacted that way. Twitter isn't blowing up with #killthecrackers or #watchthewhitey. That's more of what I'm discussing, not big brother already being aware of shit. Both the fires are already burning, I am saying I don't want anymore wood tossed on to it. If he is white, no mass groups of people will start getting treated differently. Example: Every time a bomb goes off, everyone scans pictures/videos for brown people. Every time there is a school shooting police don't start thinking "Oh man, we gotta find the white kid that did this." A bomb goes off, "WHERE IS THE BROWN PERSON IN THE SCARF?!?" Saudi student went viral immediately, if someone tried to pass around it was a white dude from Kansas, shit would have died. Look at 4chan. One of the first pictures has a guy circled with brown being a reason they're pointing him out. Looks like there is a story developing now so we'll see. And then we'll have time to prove/watch everything I'm talking about here. Ignorant my ass. This shit is real.
Yeah the 4chan page also has a girls ass circled indicating "da bomb." While mass mistreatment is abhorrent your logic is totally fucked. Period.
The 4chan was just a throwaway example. We'll see what happens. As they've apparently made an arrest, then we can track the storylines about the suspect and the debate after to see how wrong I am (not). But like I said, the Adam Lanza story is example enough. How quickly did the debate moved off him and his origins as opposed to gun control, mental health and now bullying 4 months after the fact? How many white people were given the side eye when they went to buy guns the next day? Or double checked at airports? Come on now. But I'm going to stop talking about this so the thread can go back to the news and all the links. Authorities Arrest Suspect
Hoping for misplaced judgement for one group over another is stupid in the highest regard and detrimental to anyone hoping to stop discrimination in any fashion. Newsflash: Now they are saying no subject ID'ed no one in custody. Shocking. (this is coming live from watching CNN)
His point is that whatever judgement is made in the court of public option, if the perpetrator is white, said judgement is far likelier to be about that individual than their race, ethnicity or religion. The same can't be said about a person of color. Or is he wrong about the pervasive racism in western society?
Okay I lied, not going to stop talking about this. Let me simplify this for you and ODEN so don't get caught into the heavy details. The point is: White suspect = no judgment on white people, only on suspect, no backlash, cultural/social/political narrative becomes access to bomb making information, security at public events etc. Brown suspect = judgment on suspect AND associated brown people, lots of judgment/backlash, cultural/social narrative becomes "them" against "us", this group of people are dangerous, they need to be checked and watched first anytime something happens. God forbid the following: Let's say a white dude crashed a plane into a building. Do you really think people would get on planes and look at all the white guys thinking "Oh shit, we're fucked."? No. But if people get on a plane, today, in 2013, 12 years after 9/11 with a large group of Middle Eastern men, that's all they'd be thinking. The narrative for the white suspect be focused on "this specific suspect was mentally deranged, was an isolated incident, didn't get the mental help he needed" and maybe a few people would get fired for not catching him sooner. If you think the above is false, you must live in Canada. Because that is how it is in America. The discrimination is already there, but this will definitely ratchet it back up if he's not white. I don't want white people as a whole to take judgment, I don't want ANY GROUP as a whole to take judgment off the actions of the few. Okay, now I'm done, I promise.
Parker's summation is completely accurate. If you don't think this is the case, you haven't been paying attention.
Seconded. If it's a black guy, we can still have the mental health debate we sorely need. If it's a native African from Somalia or Mali, holy shit watch out. Same for a hispanic or someone of Arab descent. Doesn't matter if their family has been here for years. The derp about terrorism, immigration, race, family values will reach epic proportions that any social reform, let alone respectful justice for the victims, will be completely drowned out by frothing, posturing ideologues.
Persian girlfriend lives in Kansas, decided to let people think she's hispanic for the next few days. Also working for one of the newspapers and is freaking the fuck out with all the news updates. Official worst place to work right now is in news.
Regarding the above, I think it is due to a mix of ignorance and intellectual laziness. It is far easier to lump everyone into broad categories than to evaluate each person's motives on an individual basis. And it is far easier (although incredibly stupid) to assume that others who don't look like us are dangerous, than to take the time to determine real motives and risk. Besides, if whitey was the dangerous element, how the hell would we ever find them in Boston? But brown folks up there stand out like a Yankees fan at Fenway.
Listen I concur that there is unfair discrimination against brown people in response to these situations. Handling this wrong by saying "well I hope it's a white guy" is fucked up. Please explain how this jump in logic is right. The "as long as brown people are left alone" doesn't justify it to me.
Let me simplify this. The consequences of one man's actions STAY one man's consequences. As opposed to the consequence of one man's actions affecting an entire group of people for an extended period of time in various ways. That's the justification. Blow back vs no blow back. Simple as that.
Pretty awesome: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?id=240032</a>