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Sober Thread: Gender Bias

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. Good Will

    Good Will
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    Should still be lurking

    Jun 24, 2012
    While there still is sexism, radical/moderate feminists represent a special interest group that has a good deal of power in the media, because it is easy for them to exert their influence there.

    Here is the blog of a radical feminist She is fucking nuts. She claims to hate men, but I suspect that deep down she has a lot of contempt for other women too (I think Tucker may have mentioned that before). She might be an extreme example, but I imagine there are women with similar thoughts/ feelings with power over the media.

    Personally, I do not agree with Adam Carolla's perspective on women, based on other things he has said. He has the grossly simplistic notion, loosely based on biology, that "men are good at math and women are good at emotions."
  2. MoreCowbell

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    Oct 19, 2009
    OK, but what is this supposed to show us? That looneys exist? And is everyone with a blog in "the media"? Because it's not as if there aren't plenty of misogynists out there as well, and they often get asked for quotes too.
  3. dewercs

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    Oct 19, 2009
    phoenix, arizona
    While working at the bar I like working with a female bartender because we usually make more money, provided she helps take the trash out,stock beer etc. I would actually prefer to work with woman in a bar because they are for the most part good looking and have some personality.

    The owner of the bar I work at is a woman and she is always very nice to me,with in 6 months of working at the bar she gave me the 3 best shifts after basically firing a female bartender, she leaves me food and snacks with notes that say "Dewercs only" on them and very hard on all the women, she sends passive aggressive texts and makes snarky comments about their hair, and how they dress. For me this is a perfect situation, I could not be happier, she is the best boss I have ever had and lets me work and knows I will get the job done and does not bother me.
  4. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Adam Carolla who I listen to every day, but don't agree with everything commented on this first wave of attacks and said something along the lines of "Tina Fey, funny as hell, and is RUNNING THE SHIP on 30 Rock, how many other women are in the writers room? None? Fucking exactly." Well when you put it like that, shit.
  5. RCGT

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Alright, I laughed.

    Diana Taurasi would argue with you. But then, this entire thread is what happens when you don't distinguish between average trends and specific cases.
  6. Good Will

    Good Will
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    Should still be lurking

    Jun 24, 2012
    I was rsponding to the argument of Tucker, that it is ironic how men like Adam Carolla are are chastised and labeled as misogynists when in fact the entertainment industry that they are apart of is sexist against men. So I used that blog as an example of how woman can be sexist against men. I didn't mean to imply that the woman whose blog I used was important, or that there aren't crazy misognists, or that misogynism isn't an important social issue. I was just highlighting that women can be sexist.

    I realize that my comment was irrelevant to the focus of the thread. In the future I will try not to do that.
  7. ghettoastronaut

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I work in a female dominated workplace. Hell, my profession is very rapidly becoming female-dominated, as my graduating class was about 2/3rds female. Where I work, we can have up to a dozen staff working on a given day; up until 3 weeks ago, I was the only guy. Some of them are fine to work with in the sense there are no issues. Others, uh, shit. I'd really like it if I could be in a workplace where I'm not going to find anyone crying in the morning because they hit some kind of animal on the way to work, and other people comforting them by saying "it's not your fault!" like they're a four year old.

    In previous female-dominated workspaces (mostly hospitals) I've been called such condescending things as "dear" and "sweetie" who think that speaking to me like they're my mother is a perfectly appropriate way of speaking with coworkers. The other problem is that people don't see anything wrong with the behaviour because they're women. When women do it, it's "just being nice". When middle aged men call 20 year old women "dear" and "sweetie", though...

    More important than just men or just women is the balance. When you have an imbalance one way or the other, especially in larger groups, bad things start happening.
  8. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    There are now a lot of women in law. I didn't see any of the problems you're referencing there at all. In fact, I think the legal profession is better off for having more women lawyers, judges and professors. Sure, some pissed me off, but some men pissed me off too, so I never saw much of a difference that way. Did women in general approach cases a little differently? Sure. Not better, not worse, just different.
  9. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Oct 29, 2009
    I find professional woman in general more officious, bureaucratic, humourless and inflexible than men. They also cry sometimes when you are “mean” to them which I find annoying.
  10. Belisarius

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Like Village Idiot, I am a lawyer. When I was a younger attorney, over the years, I reported to a couple of women, and several more men. On average, I would say I liked the women better, although individual male attorneys ran the gamut from awful to great. I now have a female partner and a couple of female associates, and enjoy working with all of them. I agree that they probably approach cases slightly differently, although I’d be hard pressed to describe the difference.

    I also teach law part time and have noticed on interesting phenomenon lately. I was just talking with one of my mentors, who taught me, and he confirmed that he had noticed this as well. Not only is slightly more than half the law school class now women, the majority of the really serious mature students are now women. I’m not sure what that means, or if it’s merely indicative of the maturity level of young twenty-something guys right now. However, we both have noted it independently.
  11. KIMaster

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus- I have only had male bosses, all of whom I have enjoyed working for. I have also had female co-workers, all of whom I can't say were much different, on the whole, than the male ones. Some good, some bad. No real commonality, though.

    Then again, I work(ed) in fairly unique groups and situations, so I'm not sure how much of this can be extrapolated.

    As for the whole "controversy", it was amusing to read Tucker's thoughts, as I'm a big fan of both Carolla and Max. I would actually go much further than Carolla, though; I have never found Tina Fey, Sarah Silverman, or Kathy Griffin funny. I think that if they were guys, no one could give a flying fuck about any of them. Or at the very least, they would have nowhere near the careers they do now.

    In fact, of the hundreds of stand-up comedians I have seen live, online, or merely heard, I have never come across a single funny female one.

    Now, when it comes to comedic actors, there are plenty of funny women. Patricia Routledge in "Keeping Up Appearances" delivered one of the greatest comic performances of all time. But in stand-up? I am DYING for someone to rep or PM me the name of a funny woman. I would love to be proved wrong on this, but so far, no one has managed to do it.

    Amusingly enough, the late, great Christopher Hitchens, another person I respect but occasionally disagreed with, wrote an article entitled Why Women Aren't Funny. Obviously, he also got a lot of flack for it.

    In fact, I remember talking with a group of people after he died, and they were far more incensed about that one silly article he wrote above than his hatred of Mother Teresa, his hatred of Christianity and religion in general, etc. Needless to say, these were liberals.
  12. RCGT

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I think Hitchens hits upon something in the essay above. Guys are childish. Always have been, always will be. My 72 year old grandfather is more childish than my 7 year old cousin (already a prima donna). Men don't take shit as seriously, and men are funnier on average than women.

    Is this a bad thing in life? Hell no. It's hard to get through hard times without being able to take a joke - again, like Hitchens says, the whole thing seems like a joke sometimes. Is this trait penalized in a university setting? Well, yeah. It takes a certain kind of person to care that goddamn much about getting a 3.9 versus a 3.8.
  13. Cult

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    Nov 1, 2009
    I prefer working with men. Not just because guys generally have a better attitude, but in my profession (aircraft mechanic) women are generally worthless. I'm sorry, but it is completely true. It isn't like this job requires a person to be particularly strong, for some reason they generally aren't good at it, and a lot of them don't even really try to learn. There are some good ones out there, but they are few and far between and women who are mechanics are a breed that is few and far between in themselves. The terrible thing is that in my experience women do a lot of proverbial dick-sucking (or maybe literal, who knows) and get themselves in comfy positions behind desks at the first opportunity while dudes who have busted their ass for years and are looking for a desk job as a short reprieve from constant hard work get fucked. We had one woman in our shop for over a year and a new one came in. Literally within a few seconds of seeing her she starts analyzing the shit out of her and talking trash, probably because the new one was way more attractive than her seeing as all of her insults were about her physical appearance.

    I'm working at a place with two guys and a female who is our "boss" just for the week. She literally does nothing but the tiny amount of paperwork that needs to be done and just sits and watches us work. Granted she technically doesn't have to work, but it would sure go a lot faster if she would help the fuck out. I wouldn't even be so annoyed that she doesn't help, I didn't expect her too from the get-go because I had already heard about her, it is the constant micro-managing of what we're doing when she doesn't know jack dick about the aircraft we're working on.

    I think I've gone way off course and I'm just ranting now, but my experience with women in the workplace has been less than satisfactory.
  14. downndirty

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    Nov 18, 2009
    The best boss I have ever had was a woman. She spent a lot of her time making sure I was confident in what I was doing, comfortable with the people and treated us fairly. As such, I bent over backward to make her life easier.

    The worst boss I have ever had was a woman. She was petty, enforced bullshit rules about dress code and punctuality (we were required to show up 30 minutes early, but couldn't log in until 10 minutes til, so we sat there and created a disturbance for 20 minutes every fucking day), showed blatant favoritism and was rude, unhelpful and standoffish. Also, she had no business being a boss at all.

    I greatly prefer to work under women, because in my experience, they are better at professional development and teaching me new shit. Also, the area I need the most help with is people skills, and I've improved in that area more by working with women.

    However, I've worked in the hen house before, and there is nothing more infuriating. I was accused of sexual impropriety because I made friends with the "slutty" girl in the office that gave the VP a shoulder rub and sat on people's desks. Basically, I was almost fired and blacklisted by the gaggle of squawking twats in accounting because I was nice to the woman they didn't like. I had to have a meeting with HR and my boss to explain that I didn't associate with this woman outside of the office.
  15. kuhjäger

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Maybe someone who works in HR can post their experiences, but my wife and I were talking, and she knew over 90% of the complaints filed in the past years at her company were filed by women. I asked a guy in the know at my work, and he said that the same was true at our company. (not referring to legit sexual harrassment claims) Is this common?

    A couple cases I know of: One of our CSRs referred to their side of the cubical fort as the "cool-side". A woman on the other side files complaint for discrimination and humiliation.

    Second: (I was involved in this one) I was out doing some resolution tests on the first of the line production samples of a new product. I was outside with one of the guys, and at one point, while I was looking through the binos at the target, he stuck his middle finger in front of it. An employee was walking by, saw it from about 20 yards away, and filed a report for being offended by it.

    Do men just deal with issues they may have direct (or ignore them), while women are more likely to do things the official way?
  16. Cult

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    Nov 1, 2009
    Perhaps people (there are men who do it too, not to throw women under the bus more than I already have) who handle these types of situations believe that is the most direct way of going about it because they were never taught or had (the balls) to confront someone about that type of behavior.

    I don't know why the "official way" in a lot of organizations isn't when you see someone doing something you don't like or that offends you to confront them about it rather than bringing in a probably unneeded 3rd party who only knows what people tell them about the incident rather than what actually happened. In the same situation he could have come up to you and told you he was offended and preferred if you wouldn't do that kind of stuff and you'd probably think that guy was a giant pussy or a douche canoe and avoid him, but you'd think the same thing if he got HR or your boss involved, it is just in that situation you face possible repercussions because of that person's inability to handle confrontation.
  17. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Jen Kirkman

    Tig Notaro

    Amy Schumer

    I found all of these funny, to the point where I bought Tig's album, and am actually considering buying Amy's. They were the first that came to mind, but if you don't like them, lemme know what kind of comedy you like and I'll try to find more of that style.
    #37 Nom Chompsky, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  18. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Who you do and do not find funny is completely subjective? Imagine that.
  19. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    You are so racist. It is Arab women who have to worry about their arms getting cut off. Iranians just worry about beatings and divorce.

    On topic, I prefer women in the bar industry. Some can be gossipy, but at least they do their work. Men seem to think they can just show up and strut and that is it. Also, it could just be this bar, but the men are about a million times more dramatic and gossipy than the girls. There must be some sort of solidarity thing when you are getting sexually harassed and treated like a slave for eight hours a day.
  20. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Also, obvious point is obvious, but a huge portion of the negative press Corolla got was from women who consider themselves funny. It totally stands to reason that such a woman would get pissed at what Adam said and express that -- if you're going to go at a group of people like that, you can't be surprised when they have some words in their defense. If he had gone on a rant about how people on messageboards are never funny, he would probably get a bunch of shit on messageboards.

    (And yes, I know that Adam mentioned his personal experience, but he did so in response to a general question and in a manner that suggested that he had formed a worldview based on it. He at no point suggested that his experience was anomalous, so I think it is a FAIR assumption that he was suggesting that it is not.)
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