gave me a really accurate look at portions and how many calories are actually in different foods. I use it every day and weigh all my food on a food scale so I know EXACTLY how many calories I'm shoveling down my gullet. How many calories do you think you actually eat in a days time? You may eat some junk food that isn't good for you, but I'm pretty sure that your overall calorie consumption is really stinking low, which is why you're able to maintain a really small size.
If I had to guess, I'd probably say anywhere between 800-1000 calories, depending on what tickles my fancy food-wise that day. Tomorrow I have the day off, so, my food choices will be radically different. I'll probably not eat breakfast because I have a doc appt at 9, then I'm getting my car checked at 11 and have a nail appointment at 2. Somewhere in between I'll probably stop home and eat some leftover Mexican rice from earlier this week, with Gatorade. Yes, I'm addicted to Gatorade. Tomorrow night the boy's taking me out to dinner, so, I'll likely somewhat gorge on whatever I order. Even when I "gorge" I still wind up taking half my order home. Okay, maybe you're right. The overall calorie consumption probably solves the mystery. And there we have it! Although I maintain a portion of it is the unmedicated ADD, just to annoy my mother.
Another thought: this has been a surprisingly contentious thread. It's interesting just how emotional this is for a lot people; for fat people, the issue of being overweight is something that they deal with on a daily basis, whether it's lacking the confidence to ask someone out, getting less respect at work, or not being able to play with their kids. A lot of people who put in the hours to stay fit look at the fat folk and think 'what a bunch of lazy degenerates'. Reformed fatties (myself included) tend to think 'I could do it, so could everyone else if they wanted it badly enough'. Then you have people pushing agendas from every side; cattle farmers want you to eat more meat; corn farmers want you to consume more grains; the Government a) wants you to be a productive worker and not drain the public purse, but b) is heavily influenced by lobbyists from the first two (or two thousand) groups; nutrition bodies have a vested interest in not reversing their position for fear of losing credibility; fad diet people push dubious research to promote their own projects. Isn't the information age wonderful? All of which serves to complicate what should be a simple health issue. (Much like STDs and drugs, now that I think about it. Also, I'd be fascinated to see what would happen to the obesity rate if weed was legalized.)
Anyone else not give a fuck about that pink slime debacle about six months ago? When grandma separated the trimming in the crock pot is was considered delicious stew. When the Rand Corporation does it in a centrifuge it's TOXIC NON FOOD THAT IS KILLING YOU! Sure they spray it with a little ammonia (or the more benevolent citric acid) but it's all lean meat. Even if Kroger takes pink slime out of their ground beef or you eat grass fed you don't think that shit isn't still treated with chemicals to kill bacteria in the grinding process right? Fuck I can promise you if you've eaten a hot dog for lunch you've got the same dose of killer corporation in you. I try and eat as healthy as I can and cook 90+% of my meals. I have yet to try and give up grains. I think the biggest diet wrecker is alcohol. Surprising how many paleo people in hear detest grains and still guzzle down beer. But for every 5 days during the week I can string together with all home cooked meals Ill blow it all drinking until blackness and then gorging on hang over food.
That was a really interesting post. The obvious follow-up question in my mind is: what would you suggest instead? (I expect the answers are: more sleep, more lean meat, more vegetables, more intense but shorter workouts, but I don't know any of the science to back that up.)
It isn't that we detest wheat, it's that we understand how it affects us. I cut out beer (I LOVE wheat beer) because I don't want to have acne like a sixteen year old. Some people can get away with some wheat and they choose beer or an occasional cupcake. They have weighed the pros and cons and made choices. The purpose of this debate is to HELP others, surely some of you see that. It may or may not be gospel, but it isn't meant to be inflammatory.
Pretty sure shimmered is the only one that still drinks beer. And guess what, none of us judge her for it even though you seem to think we have some sort of air of superiority.
Not true. I still occasionally drink beer. Why? Because $2 20oz Tuesday's, so fuck you, that's why. That being said, outside of that rare occasion, my alcohol consumption is primarily limited to either hard ciders like Strongbow (which isn't very good, but is widely available) or smaller brewers like Woodchuck or my new favorite; Angry Orchard. If not cider, I will often opt for vodka and soda water.
I do still drink beer. Maybe....mayyyybe 3 a week. It's something I enjoy, but I don't partake as often as I once did. Even that is...I guess...too much. I really should cut that back. On the weekends I definitely throw them back. Even cupcakes have become a once every 6-8 week treat. I just don't enjoy them as much. Like was mentioned earlier...its an educated decision. Please note the difference between educated and good. I know those things aren't good for me. I choose to do them because I enjoy them.
I would really really recommend the book It Starts With Food. All of the reasons the "traditional" American diet doesn't work...and how your brain responds to food...are explained in layman's terms. Its ten friggen dollars. Worth it.
I thought any alcohol was verboten on the Paleo diet, which makes sense given how the body breaks it down and stores it. Is that not the case?
I love that this turned from "Why are Americans fat" into "The Paleo Thread v. 2.0." Probably should've seen that coming, though. Everything I've read and seen about the Paleo lifestyle is that alcohol is supposed to be out. I mean, alcohol is technically a poison, and its poisoning our bodies. We don't exactly metabolize it well, either. I'll openly admit that alcohol and soda are two big reasons I weigh what I do, which is why I've cut them out. Quite frankly, simply cutting calories is the biggest reason I lost a lot of weight. Still ate bread, still ate processed foods, just cut about 500 to 800 calories a day out of my diet, and I lost 50 lbs last summer (I went from about 2500 a day to 1700-1800). I ate less and moved more, and I lost weight. I really didn't change what I ate too much, just made the portions smaller. I also made it a point to actually eat breakfast, mostly because I'd skip it and by lunch time I'd be starving and I'd eat like an idiot. Skipping meals is bad, kids.
It is. I don't eat 100% paleo. I'd say I eat 75-80% paleo with my "non-paleo" things being alcohol or occasional cupcakes. Occasionally I eat a slice of pizza or a tortilla or some tortellini. every now and then I'll have a croissant. I do eat and drink dairy - feta cheese, whole pastured milk, and heavy cream. I'm nowhere close to lactose intolerant. Generally - though, I avoid most of those things. Alcohol is the most frequent of the indulgences.
Well I think we were all tapped out theory-wise since none of us have any real answers, just anecdotal stories and Google. I know there are some people (you know exactly who you are) that work in food, have actual answers, and stayed out of it because we all know facts don't have any weight around these parts.
Shimmered already hit on this but I just want to say this since it might help break this weird notion that people who eat paleo think they're better'n everyone. When it comes to food I push really hard to put health at the forefront of my decision making, I'm not perfect, but I think I do a pretty good fucking job. When it comes to boozing it up, fuck health, I love drinking. Am I peeling a few years off my life? Probably, but that's my choice, not anyone else's, and I don't lie to myself when I do it, I just weigh the benefits and health takes a back seat here. I don't judge anyone for their decisions, I judge the broken system people are basing their decisions on.
Well, it is the "in" fad right now. Imagine that. Nice job. Interesting reading (and it quotes studies, how bout that!): Follow Martin Berkhan (creator of Leangains, @MartinBerkhan) on Twitter, he regularly posts interesting nutrition articles and studies. Any other suggestions appreciated. Speaking of alcohol: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... uscle.html</a>
When people start talking about their diet and start to use words like "us" I want to start throwing bricks. It's just food you jump on the bandwagon motherfuckers, don't try and make it define who you are. It's like hipsters letting their stupid hair, clothes and tat's define them. Weak As Piss. Especially seeing’s these huge health benefits are mostly due to just eating healthy for the first time in years because your new fad diet makes you actually pay attention to what you’re eating and prepare food at home rather than buying processed shit all the time. Special needs food people shit me to tears, if you have a legitimate condidtion, fine, sucks to be you. If I'm at dinner with you and you make a prick of yourself being a fussy little bitch, you won't get a chance to piss me off a second time.
Yeah, I know he's not paleo and all, but he gets results with minimal effort, can't argue with that, especially from a pure weight loss perspective.
Maybe this video can help everyone relax a bit: Seriously, after I had my kids, I got back in shape by portion control and exercising. I ate what I want, just in smaller quantities. I have no problem maintaining my weight that way to this day (5'3", 115). I would say I'm healthy as I just had complete bloodwork done up which included CBP, CMP, Thyroid check, kidney function and Vitamin D (the doctor accidentally put pap smear on the paperwork and the nurse at Quest was like, "yeah, I'm not doing that") and everything was perfect. Well, except for my Vitamin D, but apparently everyone is low in that because of sunscreen and more people trying to stay out of the sun. I teach my kids they can splurge occasionally, but then to balance it out with eating healthy. My middle child has the hardest time with this as she is a picky eater. But we've been working on it and she is getting better. It's weird because she's in the best shape. We keep telling her that some foods you might find only okay at the beginning but the more you eat them, the more palatable they become. Except for mushrooms. They're awful no matter how many times you eat them. And raisins.