In my life there is only one soda/pop and that is diet coke. I ask for diet coke, and if they ask if pepsi is ok? I ask them why they would do that to me, and order a water. pop and soda are obsolete. There is only one.
Definitely soda - East Coaster here. But, my GF is from Virginia and she calls soda/pop "coke." I was never sure if she meant all colas are known as "coke" or all carbonated beverages. Any Virginians know the answer?
I thought I was gonna get laughed outta Georgia when I first moved south and asked for a 'pop' like any western New Yorker would. I learned quick, it's Coke. If they correct you with anything else (talking to you Taco Bell) it's just 'whatever.'
This. New option is up for us true-believers down here, because everyone choosing something else is a Godless Northern Jezebel.
I live in Canada now, and everyone here calls it pop. I was born and raised in Australia, and we always called it Soft Drink. At least in Brisbane they called it Soft Drink.
Here's a breakdown by county, which is pretty interesting. Me? I call it soda, and I'm from Wisconsin. For whatever reason, there seems to be a split here right down the middle of the state, bounded perfectly by the Illinois and Michigan state lines. Weird.
True. It's Coke no matter what. My brother used to ask for orange Coke when he was little when he wanted a Sunkist. Everybody knew what he meant though.
i'm pretty sure that north of the 49th it's all pop. I'm on the east side, for anyone who can't put 2 and 2 together.
In the only places I've lived, Texas and Tennessee, I've always just considered it Coke. Granted I only actually drink Coke(Coca-Cola), but have always referred to any different pop/soda/soda pop as Coke. This is because all of the other types are inferior and I don't care. Variations of actual Coke, however, get a pass, and may be referred to by their actual names i.e. Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, etc...
Definitely say coke. Where I was born everyone says pop. Now its 2/3 Coke and 1/3 soda and just hearing the term pop annoys me more than having a Men At Work song stuck in my head. EDIT: Well its more like 80% + say Coke according to the map on the previous page
A lot of people in England call it it pop, I cringe every time I hear the word. No-one here uses Soda either, we just call it as it is.
I grew up in central Indiana and live in Georgia now. I've always called it exclusively "Coke." I never knew anyone who called it anything else until I dated a girl from Ohio. I dumped her because I couldn't stand to hear her refer to Coke as "Pop."
From ND and it's pop here. That's pretty much all I've ever heard anyone call it That's not interesting though. What IS interesting is that so many people actually refer to all pop as coke. Seriously, I've never heard of this before. When I go to a restaurant and they ask what I want to drink, I'll ask "What kind of pop do you have?" I can't imagine someone saying "What kind of coke do you have?" That would be a stupid fucking question. If I was a waiter and someone asked me that question you can guarantee that your coke (which could be an actual Coke or a Mountain Dew or a Dr Pepper or whatever the fuck kind of pop-- er, coke you want) would be served with spit in it. If someone tells me to stop at a gas station so they can get a coke, then comes out with a sprite, I would assume traumatic brain injury. Seriously, the pop/soda debate is legitimate. But referring to ALL pop as coke? That just makes me irrationally angry. I hope I'm just understanding the question wrong.
Soda. Then again, my family is originally from west-central Illinois and my dad stubbornly calls it "sodey pop," although it could just be him being him. I distinctly remember a trip to Tennessee when I was younger where my family was asked "What kind of coke do y'all want?" at a roadside stand and none of us having a clue what the person meant. If our accents didn't make them think we were idiots, asking them for a soda sure as hell did.
I don't think anybody refers to all soft-drinks as Coke, it would be fucking gay and an insult to the wonderful being that is the Coca Cola Corporation. The biggest problem I have is asking for a Coke and getting a Pepsi, I won't tolerate that shit. My dream is to go to a restaurant with a group of friends, sit down and order all our meals, and then ask for a Coke at the end of the order. "When she say's, "Is Pepsi alright?" I will say, "No, don't bother we'll go somewhere else." and everybody get up and leave. I know I'm a gaytard, but I cannot stand all the exclusivity deals Pepsi get with restaurants when it's fucking rubbish and always gives me the runs, but I often drink 2litres of coke a day no problem. Fucking Pepsi.
I was born and raised in Newfoundland. It was always referred to as pop and I still call it that. Wife does, too. She's from small-town Ontario. Which is painfully reminiscent of where I grew up.
I go to school in Potsdam NY (Clarkson for any of you that might know it) and anyone from the Rochester to Buffalo area calls it pop while I (from around Syracuse) call it Soda. On a similar note - my buddy from school is from outside of Rochester and my uncle is from Buffalo. When I talk about going to my "house" on the lake, I say "Yeah we're going up to my Camp" while they will say "Yeah we're going up to the Cottage." We correct each other just to piss each other off. Similar argument here and I was just wondering if it applies to anyone outside of New York and the Adirondacks.
What, are you so old school that you hopped in a time machine back to the time when malaria was still endemic in North America, and Coca Cola was merely a medicinal tonic known as Pemberton's French Wine Coca? In other news, in Canada, like the rest of the civilized world, it's known as "pop". The rest of you can trundle on down to the local civil war veteran druggist and pay five cents for access to the soda fountain.