I would hope nobody does that. If I'm drinking a coke, I'll call it a coke. If I'm drinking a Mountain Dew (by the way, dew in a can is the perfect compliment to sunflower seeds) I'll call it a Mountain Dew. But if I'm going to speak about pop/soda/whathaveyou in generic terms, I'll say pop. I guess I'm confused as to whether this question is referring to Coca-cola, which would make the answers more reasonable, or if it's referring to a generalized word for all pop/soda, in which case the answers make me want to get violent with inanimate objects.
East Coast, Soda. I get the feeling that this must have been covered on Do You Speak American? Also, here's a map of what people call it by county: Spoiler
Pop, motherfuckers. Now I'll go devour some deep dish in my frontroom. And don't put that ketchup bullshit on my dogs, pussies.
West Coast by way of Arizona. We say soda, the only time pop is used is in reference to popping a cap in your ass.
We call is magic fizzy fizz where I'm from. Ok, we call it soda. EassssssssssssstSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiideeeeeeeee
I do this. Hell, I even like Pepsi better than Coke, and I'll still call it a Coke. So do most people I know. Say we're packing an ice chest for a fishing trip: Friend: Alright, we've got enough beer- what kind of Cokes do you want to bring? Me: I don't know. I guess Pepsi, Sprite, and Red Bull.
What is interesting is if you compare it to a US poverty map, areas that use Coke as the term have the highest poverty rates (And I am not kidding).
And inversely the least likelihood of someone having a preference in a specific brand of bottled water.
It's definitely a cultural/regional thing. Retarded is kind of an over the top way to describe it. You've probably never been "fixin'" to do anything before.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend the other night: FRIEND: I've got a whole bunch of different kinds of cokes, what should we do while we drink them? ME: I could pick out a Citizen Kane to watch. FRIEND: Yeah, but we have different tastes in Citizen Kanes. I'm not going to watch your violent disgusting Citizen Kane ME: I was just at the library today and grabbed a few different Of Mice and Mens, you could borrow one to read while I watch a Citizen Kane. FRIEND: Good idea.
As someone already mentioned, aussies call it soft drink. If you ask for a soda, you'll get soda water. If you ask for 'pop', you'll get laughed at.
I'm East Coast and we all call it Coke or Sprite. It's just understood--do you want the clear stuff or the brown stuff? The brown diet stuff? Then that's a Diet Coke, even if it's Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. I just always thought this was understood until I started to venture out of my little region of the world. Outside of my hometown, I'd order a Coke in a restaurant and the server would always say, "if Pepsi ok?" Really? Like there's a difference. I want the brown fizzy stuff with some caffeine. Thanks. I don't have much of a problem with my midwestern friends who call soda "pop" except that when I'm talking about my dad (who I call pop) they always have to take pause and register the difference. The only thing worse is when they use the damn Fargo accent. "Paaaaahp" doesn't sound refreshing to me...just annoying.
My blood boils the instant I hear someone use the word 'pop' for soda that I want to waterboard them with a fucking Pepsi. East coast here.