Spoiler So really, only the Northern tip of the Eastern seaboard and California and some parts of the South-West use "soda", with a few isolated pockets of depravity in the middle. Boy do I sure feel outnumbered. It also bears mentioning that, for soda being far and away the most popular lexicon, less than half of people on this board use it. I'm sorry that less than half of the population has to be dragged down to your level.
I'm sorry that you can't figure out that that map is made up. I've lived in 4 different states in the last 8 years, and literally the only people I encountered who used the term "pop" were from Chicago. Not even the rest of the state of Illinois. It's, at best, a mid-west thing in the United States. Can't speak to Canada. I live in Texas, right now, and haven't heard pop or coke (unless they actually meant coke) used once, by anyone, in over 2 years. FFS, did any of you actually go to the website in the map? <a class="postlink" href="http://popvssoda.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://popvssoda.com/</a>
Keep in mind that California, New York, Florida, and New England are where a huge percentage of Americans live. It's the dominant term in at least 1/3 of the USA, population-wise, and judging by the intensity of the coloration, most of those places it's close to the only term used. No one lives in Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, or Wyoming, those are just holograms. And really, why would you ever trust the Deep South with knowing proper terminology? I'm pleasantly surprised they don't refer to census workers as "revenoors".