Once again, Cartman gets the best lines. "We were talking about Wales the country." and "I deserve to be on TV." <---- Damn straight, Cartman, and don't let anyone tell you different.
Not to beat this to death, but the unusually high amount of criticism directed at the Whale Wars captain is legit. He puts people's lives and livelihood at risk. He's even admitted to trying to create an international incident between Australia and Japan. No, really. Even in the realm of reality television where standards are non-existent (thanks TLC!), attempting to create conflict between two sovereign nations over a legal and culturally important activity that is strictly regulated by the Japanese government is a couple orders of magnitude lower than almost anything else I've seen on tv. But I'll still watch. They are simply too bumbling to ever do any real damage to anything other than their own reputations, and it's just way too entertaining.
I will preface my post by saying I don't give two shits about whales. Not my beef, others can fight that war. That being said claims of it being culturally important are incorrect. The vast majority of Japanese don't give a shit about whaling and have never tried whale meat. Every year there is a massive surplus of meat and the industry is not economically sustainable, it is propped up by the government. The whole cultural argument has been created because guess what, like most countries the Japanese don't like being told what to do. It is nothing but propaganda from Japan because they don't take kindly to the international community forcing their beliefs on them. Had whaling not got so much international attention in the early 90s there is probably a good argument it would have died a slow death by now. As for the legality of it, looks let's be honest. This is a commercial operation disguised by a thin veil science. Simple as that. The whole thing is nothing but a morality debate, and like all morality issues it has been hijacked by two sides of dipshits. We have the Japanese who attach no emotional value to whales and are happy to kill them giving a big old fuck you to the world because to give in would be to lose national pride versus the hippies who like always refuse to see any issue beyond the scope of their own dogma. The great irony of this whole issue is there is probably a very good argument that the actions of the hippies are actually leading to the slaughter of more whales then if they just shut the fuck up. Look I am not saying to be apathetic but don't get righteous on it. Like with pretty much every single conflict on the planet (Israel v Palestine, Islam v the West, Lauren Conrad v Heidi Montague), as soon as people get righteous they become stubborn and when that happens comprise will never arise. Then again maybe that is just an affliction of the human condition. Apologies I will get off my soap box now.
I laughed harder at this episode than any other in recent memory. FUCKA YOU CHEEKEN! This episode just provides more proof of the disparity between different peoples' tastes. Where some people thought the only good thing about the episode was Cartman or what not (I thought the boys' roles were peripheral at best and not the highlight), I couldn't contain myself everytime the Japanese were motherfucking and slaughtering the whale and dolphins. Where I think Parker and Stone are geniuses is in the fact that they consistently make episodes that cater to many peoples' different sense of humor. Oh, and fuck the Whale Wars hippies. I cheer for the Japanese when I watch that show. I laughed so hard I sprayed vodka out my nose that time they killed a whale right in front of the hippies and made them all start crying.
Besides the Pokerface performance and the statement about Wales, the Fucka you whale, and fucka you dowpheen! had me consistently laughing even when watching the episode for the second time. And the attire they had the Japanese wearing was priceless.
Loved the "Fucka you whale, and fucka you dowpheen!", the boys interactions, and the final "now their normal" punchline. Highpoint for me was in the wave of slaughters cutting to an NFL stadium. Lost my shit when I saw that. Going to Hiroshima and the museum there had been thinking they are going with the same angle as the Chin-pokomon episode, distracting them with "pity us" and pumping up the american's egos. When the cut to the dolphin and whale flying the Anola Gay caught me off guard and had me cracking up. Great episode.
Anyone get the Jim Rome - Jim (Chris) Everett reference tonight? I thought that was pretty damn funny.
I thought tonight's episode was friggin great. I didn't catch what they were referencing when the mayor showed the boys the clip of some female political head. Anyone?
That was hilarious. I've hated Harley riders my whole life. I just wish they had thrown Garrison in the mix. It's always funny to hear him call someone a faggot.
Great episode, I'll be calling Harley Riders fags from now on. If only this came out before Halloween, it would've been a great costume.
Once again, Butters stole the fucking show. When he was talking about how he would have a toothless woman holding onto him on the back of the Harley, but it wouldn't matter b/c she thought he was cool, I was dying. He's so sad and pathetic, but it doesn't make me cringe like Michael on The Office does. The Emmanuel Lewis/Webster's dictionary joke was pretty clever. Little things like that let's South Park be preachy about controversial topics without being off-putting.
I think South Park will have reached a whole new level if someone gets killed/nearly killed for calling a Harley rider a fag. Best episode of the season in my opinion, and it was nice to see them bring back some characters we haven't seen in a while.
Southpark seems to somehow get a big pass on controversial subjects and subjectively "offensive humor." I'm always kind of shocked when a joke, say like when the black Emmanuel Lewis gets dragged around by rednecks with a chain, doesn't cause a huge uproar in the media.
Just caught up on The F Word myself, it was absolute gold. Bike-curious Butters was awesome as usual. I have high hopes for the rest of the season.
Are we all watching the same show? The past few weeks the shows have been getting progressively worse. I laughed like 4 times at the Whale Wars episode and maaayyybeee once at the fag episode. I know it just isn't me, other people feel the same way but I'm unsure why everyone finds it so funny. The whole Harley episode had me waiting for a punchline that never came.
Honestly I was a little disappointed with the whole ending of the episode. The whole beginning scene with the boy getting murdered over the intercom, the Casey Kasem kid, and tearing Glenn Beck a new asshole were all hilarious.
I also thought the beginning of this episode was great, but it went downhill. All that crap with the smurfs wasn't funny at all.
What the hell did I just watch? Did I just not get it? Was that funny? I am assuming I'm not getting a parody or something, or else that was the worst SP season finale I have ever seen.