Comedy Central isn't even re-broadcasting episode 201. I missed the original airing and keep trying to DVR it when the program guide says it is supposed to be on, but it always ends up being a different episode. Pussies.
Well they went and followed their "balls to the wall, take on anything" episode with one of their lamest and stupidest episodes ever. God I'm so sick of Towelie. He was funny when they first introduced him but the last two episodes he's been in have been two of South Park's worst.
I disagree. Not every episode has to tackle some political issue. Sometimes a comedy show can be just that. I thought tonight's episode was fucking hilarious. Especially the cuts to the text screen.
I'm not saying they have to take on something, I just didn't like the format. The only funny thing Towelie did the entire episode was puking on that girl right after drying her off.
Were the other tards at camp based off of old cartoon character or something? They sound familiar but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Loonie toons I think... As for the episode I loved it. The cartman rant really pissed me off though. Not for the content, I love the jew ripping dynamic he presents. I hate that Comedy Central considers calling jews a bunch of beady eyed, money grubbing, etc etc but heaven forbid we say anything about the muzzys.
That's the point. The southpark boys did a double whammy: Totally uninspired and weak episode full of retard jokes and based on a self-described "moron" character to show CC that they can easily churn out boring, not-pushing-the-envelope mediocrity. And a direct swipe at CC for not censoring their Jew jokes but censoring Kyle's speech at the end against hate and intolerance. Having grown up on Loony Toones, I couldn't help but laugh at the jokes. Especially the steroid kid and Shultzy.
How is nobody talking about the web site they showed at the end?? Is this something that everyone but me knew about? I had to do some research to make sure it wasn't a joke. That first video on the site plays like a parody or something. It's hilarious.
I thought it was mediocre for an episode that featured Jimmy and Towelie in the two main story lines. I love Jimmy and Towlie but over all the camp games half wasn't very funny. Even if it was some sort of message from Matt and Trey I don't think it was really worth ruining an entire episode to do (the jew rant was probably all the really needed anyway). Towelie covered in spoog was pretty funny though.
Agreed, if this was some big protest against CC it was tepid and limp dicked. The entire episode just had an air of passive aggressiveness about it. If this wasn't some form of protest then the episode just plain sucked with the exception of the Cartman rant.
Yeah that last episode was utterly pathetic, I got the LT references but still didn't find it that funny. They'll make fun of retarded kids and everyone else, but when two wankers make a youtube video they start censoring shit? What if retards could fight back too? It's pathetic, don't think South Park will as ever be as edgy as it once was after the censoring of Mohhammed. When you're picking on Retards in the school playground becuase you know if you make fun on the bigger kids they'll beat you up, it's not edgy or funny, it's cowardliness of the most pathetic kind.
does anyone actually know if this was an episode produced AFTER 201? this might have been an episode they worked on before the season, and just took off the shelf or whatnot. I know that not every single episode is made in 6 days.
No, it wasn't a brave episode. But yet, I still laughed and enjoyed it more than 90% of the shit I saw on TV in the past month. I won't complain if they want to mail it in every so often. And as another poster noted, it might have been an underhanded 'fuck you' to Comedy Central. In other news, where the hell is the Spartacus thread? Am I bind?
That's what I thought too. Maybe Matt and Trey had this one shelved because it was weak, and after CC bent over on the last one they didn't feel like busting their asses to put out a top-notch episode so they tossed up a half-assed episode and slacked for a week. I could totally understand if that was the case.
Based on what I know from listening to the audio commentaries on the DVDs (yeah, I'm cool like that) they get an episode started before the run of shows starts so that they can take a day off in the middle of the run. When they get a show started, I think they mostly just get the general idea, write a few scenes and get them animated. All the shows are done in a week, but that particular show that they shelved allows them to have an extra day off. That could have been the case with this show, but even if it was they still probably had 75% of the show to do that week. My guess is that the majority of the show was done after 201. I don't think I'm communicating this the way I want to. It's been a long, booze filled weekend at my buddy's wedding and my brain is mushy.
Looks like nobody has said anything on it since the season ended quite awhile ago though. Either way heres the link:
That is why this episode was funny. There were actually 2 videos, one that just went through clips of the show, and another that was synced to "Walkin' on Sunshine" that had the best fucking ending in the world that I can't find anywhere. UGH
Wait....I have never seen Intervention, is that supposed to be true? Tell me that was was just a comedy skit?