Yeah, someone needs a few lessons. On what a proper blowjob is. If there is licking around and also paying attention to the boys while moving slowly, I can easily see 20 minutes, just like I'll spend a similar amount of time going down on a lady since I'm going to take my time, go slowly and probably tease the hell out of her. Sorry to burst your bubble, but contrary to what crappy porn might have taught you there is more to it than just having a girl quickly move her head up and down as if she were at a Childrem of Bodom concert. I know you're just trying to get your rocks off, but it's about the journey not the destination.
Not to burst your bubble but not everyone has the same taste. I prefer the fast action porno suck to the labored build up BJ every day of the week. Point being, figure out what he likes and do that.
What about liking both? I mean, I like steak and I like chicken. I also like cream sauces and (soy)milk. SO WHAT.
Same. Blowjobs for me are only when there's not enough time or the right place for sex. Like while driving or in the bathroom of your friends house while people are waiting. I don't like being teased, just get to the good part.
I can only conclude from reading this thread: THERE ARE WOMEN THAT PUT YOUR DICK IN THEIR MOUTHS?!?!?!?!?! HOLY FUCK! WHERE CAN I FIND ONE? In other breaking news, the world is round. Focus: I don't really care. Spit, swallow, make finger paintings with it, frost muffins with it (I don't eat muffins, except the fish variety), use it as crazy glue, hair gel, deodorant, paint, whatever.
I prefer a woman to swallow. It's a hot conclusion to a great time and means they're more likely to keep my dick in their mouth during the come down post-orgasm which is a nice warm relaxing feeling. Spitting isn't immoral or horrible, but it is kind of jarring. Still a great time, but not optimal.
You women are all fucking liars. My girlfriend won't even let that stuff anywhere near her mouth. I let it got inside her once without warning and I didn't get another bj for 2 weeks.
....where are you people meeting these women? I literally have never encountered a spitter in my life. I thought they went the way of dinosaurs and rotary phones.
What is this blowjob thing you speak of? It sounds nice - maybe I'll ask the Mrsanthropic for one on our anniversary. But seriously - This. I've never had a girl actually spit if she didn't swallow, but those that didn't swallow usually just sort of let it dribble out.
Wait, spitting is still a thing?? Seriously?? I thought that was one of those things that went out the window with the advent of internet porn, like "sticking to missionary in the dark" and "not doing anal". Seriously--I've hooked up with probably 40-50 girls, had several who asked me not to cum in their mouths (I would then proceed to blast them in the face or tits) but not a single one who let me and then spit it out. That said at age 28 it's rare that I get a blowjob to completion these days, not saying it never happens but 95% of the time it's just something she'll do for a minute or two prior to fucking.
Did you do most of your hooking up in New England? I know MoreCowbell is from NE, I am as well and also on the "who the fuck is still spitting?" bandwagon. Maybe it's time we start forgiving them for being plumper than some of the other women in the country.
New England is actually on the lower end of the national obesity scale. Not quite as fit as Colorado, but in the top 15ish. The deep south is where the plumpers are, which baffles me because of that god awful heat.
The girl I hooked up with who spit was from GA. Never been with a NE girl who spits that I can recall.
You realize that you are talking about a portion of the country who breads and fries everything, then smothers it with ranch and washes it all down with sweet tea, right?
I mean I understand the mechanics of the obesity, I would just think that the insane heat would make being fat an unbearable hell.
No, the insane heat means that even if the fatties want to exercise, they won't because they can't survive without their AC. Obesity like that starts when you're a kid. It's a lifestyle. You don't grow up eating baked chicken and fresh veggies and one day when you're 27 say, "Hey, now I'm going to fry everything and cover it in bacon lard."
Ugh. I mean, I can get on board with the southern desire to put bacon on everything, but ranch and sweet tea are to cuisine what jordan_paul is to this message board. That is, tasteless, unpleasant and frequently found inside fat chicks.