I understand that all of those words are of the English variety. But when you string them together in a sentence like that I simply read gibberish.
For the past month I've been seeing an incredibly sexy blonde girl biking around the neighborhood, with, so far as I can tell, her entire body covered in tattoo's. Her calves are covered, both sleeves, and back. I haven't yet got the courage to try to talk to her--and she is always moving so fast on her bicycle.... Perhaps I could use a net? I'm open to other suggestions.
You obviously throw a branch into her spokes. Goddammit. Do I have to think of everything myself? Rum and pork rinds. I challenge any of you to do better than this. Be right back, my left arm is tingling and my eye won't stop blinking.
I can't tell if the noises my roommate is making in his room are working out noises or sex noises, but I need to ask him a question so I think I'll just barge into his room and whatever happens, happens.
I went to the beer fest by myself, which turned out to be just fine as I met up with a few people I knew anyway. Now I'm drunk and considering making a burger to fill my stomach and drink some scotch while surfing netflix for the rest of the night. Oh, I've also highly considered taking up paddle boarding. There is an inflatable one that I could easily fit into my trunk that is durable and strong. I won't have to destroy the looks of my car with a paddle board rack on top... and I'm sunburnt from laying out at the pool earlier. PS, a Spanish chick I met last weekend is really into me. She's in town visiting my friends who just had a baby. I'm going to visit them tomorrow and see if I can hit it off with the Spaniard.
I'm at Atlanta Summer Beer Fest with my best friend. All was well until I ran into my abusive ex and his four foot tall girlfriend. Now I'm being hyper vigilant and staring every blonde dude down until I determine that it's not him. But, hooray, beer festivals!
I tried to stay away from the standard breweries during my romp through the fest, and was successful until I actually got drunk. It's awesome how some of the smaller breweries fill up your 2oz cup to 4-5oz towards the end of the day. I like them. And Duck rabbit was one of them. And you should drink more beer and chill out. You could easily do some work on ms. 4ft if you needed to. Forget about homeboy and have some fun. PS, drnk me just updated the Tibber thread.
My little cousin asked me for tips on his driver's road test coming up. "Request a driving examiner that has no children. Before you start the car, kiss a crucifix, put on some Italian leather racing gloves and look the examiner dead in the eyes and tell him how you've never met a human being in your life that's trusted you. And signal before spot checking when changing lanes." It warms the heart to know I pass fruitful knowledge on to young family.
WOOOOOO I DID MANUAL LABOR ALL DAY AND DIDN'T BLEED ONCE WOOO! Imma have a beer to celebrate! I'm friggin tired. Tattoos are still terrible. Roger Rabbit might be the most underrated masterpiece of a movie ever filmed. Quick question- was this movie supposed to be for kids? No.
Good to know. Anyway, does anybody find eyes full of exploded blood vessels attractive? Because between my efforts at reading A Song of Ice and Fire at a ridiculous speed, while also trying to finish the latest Tom Holland book (it's kind of boring, by the way) and catching up to my whole 'trying to re-learn French by reading five French articles each day'-thing, it looks like I'm about to weep blood and my head hurts something fierce. While I'm acting like a huge pussy I might as well add I was watching the France vs. Spain soccer game. My parents thought so, and thus 8-year old me got to see this: I'm surprised I haven't turned into a serial killer by now.
You must be really good........clearly, you've never met the famously foul mouthed deep throating Sasha Grey. "We use spit." NSFW Behold Angel,.......another angel. Is this what happened? More saliva than expected? Maybe Cosmo had something right about that more salacious saliva in the back of the throat tip. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.slutload.com/watch/NDHtKbLOImc/Sasha-Grey-18-Years-Old.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.slutload.com/watch/NDHtKbLOI ... s-Old.html</a>
Today has been a thoroughly excellent day so far. I mended a bunch of fake teddy bear injuries and wrote adorable fake prescriptions to help with their pain. I instructed a child carrying a bear named "Baby" to not put baby in a corner for at least five days. If they were nice I'd give them a smartie to feed the bear.