Re: St. John The Baptist Drunk Thread! 6/22/12 Agreed. I really didn't intend for the comment to be taken outside the scope of 'Bad Cosmo Sex Tips.' I'm kinda liking the hot girls with food Google, though.
You know the best part about being Ethiopian? Is it the great diet plan? The free diuretics in the water? Is it the prevalence of natural medicine, and almost complete absence of America's greedy big medicine industry? Nope none of these things are the best thing about being Ethiopian. The best part of being Ethiopian is that every day you know you're not French.
It's officially summer, which means I will begin drinking entirely too many of these: My company is doing an open house for employees and their families tomorrow from 11-3, which I really wish I could get away with not attending. The Fiancee will be at work so I'll have to go by myself which will make it even more boring. I'm thinking show up around 12:30, have some free food, make sure the boss sees me, and then GTFO.
That article also served to remind us all that after dumping January Jones, Jason Sudeikis has moved on to banging Olivia Wilde. Well played you goofy motherfucker, well played
I can't wait to adopt a pig. There's a rescue on the mainline. We're going to name him (or her) Blob Evans.
The real question here, guys, is who wrote these? How could you find this, for instance, in any way alluring? I don't even think I understand the practical aspect of this piece of advice. How am I supposed to do this? Also, guys, what is with the love for Summer Shandy? I like lemonade. I love beer. PLEASE DO NOT MIX THEM TOGETHER.
I bought the Sam Adam's shandy-inspired beer, and got a look from the guy at the liquor store that can only be described as "world-weary disdain." He even said, "what is this, another one?"
Teddy Bears' Picnic tomorrow. You would think someone who hates kids as much as I do wouldn't volunteer for this bullshit. BUT I DO. I also learned two black people facts today: 1. When they are born, they come out white, and it takes a few minutes for the pigment to appear 2. When they die, they turn white again. Except for their genitalia.
Fucking Splenda, man. I take a tiny bit of sugar in my coffee just to take the bitter edge out of it, and they ran out of sugar in the lunchroom today, so I chucked in a little Splenda. First, it tastes NASTY. Second, and more importantly, it wreaks serious motherfucking havoc on my body. A quarter of a packet and it ran through me like goddamned Olestra. No more 'alternative' foods. Ugh.
When they first introduced it, it was far too sweet. They refined the recipe and now I just think its a great beer. I personally don't find a cold beer (Miller Lite\Three Floyds Gumballhead\insert craft beer of choice) that refreshing. But the added lemonade component makes it easy to slam a Summer Shandy when I'm thirsty. Working in beer, I could go on and on about it, but I like that its taking off and they made some cool looking cans for this summer, good stuff.
...says the man that didn't know it existed a page ago. I don't like drinks that are too sweet and the beer cuts the lemonade well. I typically don't like margaritas much either and some that I enjoyed most had a can of beer per pitcher in the recipe.
What happens if I get the formula wrong? Do I now need to carry some measuring spoons in my purse when I go out rather than face that embarrassing moment of having him know that I didn't care enough to ensure proper saliva to water ratio?
I agree about lemonade being too sweet at times, but I can't imagine adding beer. I would much prefer a John Daly. Lemonade, iced tea, and vodka.