80 degree heat, ice cold IPAs, chips and homemade salsa. I don't think the rest of the day is going to be too difficult.
I did St. Paddy's day in South Boston last year when I lived there and it was a gigantic shit show. Im fairly certain a few of the cops patrolling were as shit-faced as everyone else. Fast forward one year and Im washing baby clothes prior to her impending arrival and slowly sipping on a Guinness or two. Sadly I much prefer to the Italian side of my family to the Irish side, but whatever.
This is one reason I keep coming back here- I’m always learning from you folks. Last night was also a learning experience. I learned our neighbor went to school with a friend of mine that I dated briefly, that another neighbor had been in several car commercials ( this came up when one popped on during the NCAA tournament ), that a long time friend of mine played the tuba for 6 years and won a music award , and that my other buddy and his wife acquire clothing from the lost and found at their favorite restaurant. The alcohol was loosening some tongues last night .
So, I'm flipping through over the air channels and I stumble across this commercial . At first, I thought it was some kind of parody, but no it's an actual product. You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Are you guys going to look at Trump’s dick when the pictures leak? I really don’t know if I can stomach it, physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychicly.
I honestly can't even tell which outcome would be worse: if he has a terrible and/or tiny dick, or if he has AN AMAZING dick, YUGE.
I guess that would depend on if you like dislike Trump. Is this real? Are there some pictures that could be posted?
Dude... you're missing the best part... IT'S A KICKSTARTER: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/304054692/commando-ninja And they've reached their goal. I would watch the fuck out of that.
Any retro content done right is worthy of donation assistance in my books. And that trailer is how it is done right. Bring back action movies. The REAL ones.
I went to a pub crawl with my friend Saturday night. While I appreciate that she was my DD, I do not appreciate her perfect recollection of the evening. In related news, I’ve been talking to a 22 year old that I met at the bar. I mentioned that I used to live in the same town and he asked when I moved back here, I said 10 years. He replied with “wow thats a decade,” which is when I realized a decade is half of his life. I’m not cut out for this.