Years ago on The Carol Burnett Show she played a character with a uni-brow. On one episode someone asked her "Have you always had one eyebrow?" She replied "No, I used to have two but then I shaved the top one off." Seriously why don't people shave that shit? I don't have bushy eyebrows, but I do have a couple stray hairs that want to grow on the bridge of my nose. I'm hardly vain, but I make sure those little fuckers go to hell as soon as they're visible.
I have NO IDEA why someone would have that one n their face. It’s impossible not to notice, and it’s impossible to look attractive with one. Even Salma Hayek can’t pull it off. Unibrows go on the list of hair such as back and nasal where it is not needed by any of us, at any time, for any reason.
When Jackass was originally on TV I did not like it. I now think that may have been because at the time I regularly went on week long benders doing stupid shit with my friends. Now I have kids and a career. The most debouchous thing I do is drink a six pack during a round of golf. I’ve been rewatching Jackass. This shit is hilarious. Maybe because on occasion I long for my old life. I’m not sure. The joy on their faces when they trick someone into getting hit in the balls is amazing.
Went to the Dean Ween show last night, his opener, Keith Kenny was fucking amazing. Effects heavy acoustic guitar, he shredded Tool. A mix of folk and heavy rock. I was blown away.
Sweet Jesus Ice Cream. American Christians are so mad at the name they’re boycotting it. Even though they’ve never bought it and it’s sold in Toronto. All they’ve done is boosted their business into the stratosphere. Thank you once again, Streisand Effect.
Aw, man. I tried to click on "order now" but apparently, I am not in an allowable postal code. So, since this is only available at KFC Canada, can one of you in Canada - Nett, Angel, Crown, RotN - mail me one?
Is it about to attack the Enterprise? I too afraid of touching it with bare skin or somebody I know might see me buying it. Sorry, bro. There are some things even I won’t do.
If I wanted a vacation somewhere hot and cheap and did not care where, does anyone have any suggestions?