ALRIGHT!!!! Ireland beat the SHIT out of England in the Six Nations. HAHAHA take that you bleeding cunts, no grand slam for you. Oh and FUCK Ashton. All that Guiness and Whiskey on Thursday seems to have done them good! Also, northern hemisphere rugby sucks donkey balls at the moment. bUt that means that hopefully this year the All Blacks will pull it off at the WOrld cup. In other news, Lisbon is the shit. I live in the middle of the bar district (where 6'000 people congregate to dirnk on the streets outside of small bars every night except Sunday ) and they have... Quasi legal weed and headshops that sell research drugs... Legal quasi-MDMA? Why yes please dear sir. Drinks ar e cheap and awesomeness abounds. My braincells are screaming, but it sounds like a symphony. Do yourself a favour and visit this city. It rules. Also, I would like to offer my couch to any TiBers (except Gris' Bitch, I don0t want no hairbrush incidents a'happenin' round these here parts) passing through Lisbon. Wooot!
I have no qualms about making friends via the Internet, so I've met a few board members and spoken extensively with a few others. Griffin and I had a thing for a hot second, and both Pinks and I are extremely close in a non-sexual manner. I've yet to meet any creepers or stalkers. Perhaps I'm overdue for one.
About 6am-6pm on weekdays, an extra hour Wednesday to record my podcast, longer on Thursdays because I'm doing audio editing and waiting for Phila Lawyer to get his article to me to edit. Not much on Saturdays, but maybe 4 hours or so on Sundays.
We're in the same state. I might could pencil in a little stalking once a week or something if you like.
It's not as much fun as one would think. And no, there is no Hell worse than the one we all wake up to everyday.
Sweet. If you don't mind driving outside the perimeter, we can make a date of it. I might even be able to drag Pink Candy along so you can stalk two gingers at once - two-for-one stalker's special.
Hey, I've always wanted two girls at once - I sorta pictured it a little differently. But, whatever. Wait, outside the perimeter? Northside or Southside?
I've met 4 I think. Well 5. Or 3. I met Tucker and Drex, at the premiere. And beforehand I met a couple people from the old board, and then I had a brief flingette with somebody from the old board, but I don't think she posts here anymore. It's a shame. I think she was pretty popular.
Got my first counterfeit bill today at the bar. The second I actually felt it as I stuck it into my wallet, I knew it was fake. It was a ten dollar bill, without the security strip when I held it up to the light, and it was just wrong to look at. So I did what any patriotic American would do. I ditched it at the liquor store by buying a lottery ticket.
Shit! Our TiB map is gone. If I remember correctly, there were 3 of us living here in heaven (Iowa). Edit: Anybody wanna come over and paint a basement? No that's not innuendo, I really have to go downstairs and finish sealing the floor. One more beer won't hurt though...
Ok, virgins who aren't happy being virgins, can we talk for a second? I'm about a bottle of wine in, but not ready to go to bed. And I'm a lightweight. What the fuck? Do you realize that sex is fantastic? And it's free? If you have high standards, god bless you, but if not, do you realize the awesome allure that resides at the tip of your fingers? And tongue? And...whatever else you want to rub against people? Seriously, as far as I'm concerned, getting laid is the easy part. Most people are looking for it. Most people can supply it. It's finding somebody whose personality won't be opposed to yours that makes things awkward.
Pfft. North side. I left the ghetto a decade ago to become a West Cobb snob, and never looked back. Scientific fact: Gingers are inherently attracted to chaos and mental instability. Messageboards are a veritable smorgasbord. Phenomenon explained.
Off. As in Fresh off the Boat girlfriend. It's what you call a mail order bride in that gray area between picking her up at the docks and driving to city hall.
I've never met anyone from this board. I think there's only one other Floridian that's outed themselves. But, I've met several people from another message board. Good people. Despite the distances, we know each other very well. I get along with them better than the people I've met in town. One of my best friends was from online. He was passing through, we got shit housed, been kicking it for years when we can. We even traveled together to another buddy's funeral last year. Plus I've got couches to crash on all over the Eastern seaboard. Fuck Best Western. I think it's because they're like Gremlins, multiply whenever they get wet.