But...But...Irish car bombs are made of unicorn horn, and the wonderful feeling of waking up with a partner who is as hot as you remebered from the night before!!! You are mean and cruel and hurtfull and say not nice things about about wonderfull things on this the holiest of holies! In fact I would go so far as to say you are a poopy face! On a happier note, I had a poker party last night, and prepared chili for it! It turned out wonderfully! Also I am drunk. Getting ready to head out. Calling in to work tomorrow, here I come!
Here's a step-by-step guide to being Irish on St. Paddy's Day (and we're all Irish today): 1. Find a place that sells alcohol. Beer and Irish whisky are traditional but pick whatever you like. 2. Drink all of the alcohol. All of it. 3. Speak with an Irish accent. This step is optional. You can also use a pirate accent because if you've followed step 2 nobody should be able to tell the difference. 4. Get in a fight.
My bracket is fucked - I had Louisville all the way to the Final Four. Going to a St. Paddy's Day party tonight, which will probably be not great but it's better than sitting at home. Tomorrow night will make up for it though... the Army is having some dinner/ball thing at Pinehurst and I'm meeting up with an old fuck buddy afterwards at my favorite pub. The bad part is that his wife will be with him and we're going to lie that we've always been 'just friends'. The awesome part is that his buddies will be there and I'm a sucker for a uniform. I'm not Irish by any stretch and I don't drink Guinness... Smithwick's will have to do.
Man, I guy I used to play with all the time when I was younger is starting for a 4-seed. I'm sniffling and posting on a messageboard. I should have practiced more.
I don't think I'm going to bother with bars tonight, last year it was a cluster fuck. I'm just gonna pick up a six of Guinness and hang out at the house, play some games and watch Archer.
Sobriety? How about consciousness? Or maybe my priorities are too low. Dinner is an Irish Breakfast sans the blood pudding. Eggs, bread, bangers, mushrooms, boxty (potato pancakes), and GUINNESS. Apparently the blood mobile is out downtown, one bar is offering free beer for giving blood. Yeah there's no liability in that.
Also President David Palmer from 24 and Sergeant Major Jonas Blane a.k.a. "Snake Doctor" from The Unit, which was one of the best shows on tv.
I wanted to get in the spirit of the day, so I got a Catholic girl pregnant and then beat the shit out of her.
I'm a green eyed Indian (feather), Italian and Irish mix. I am lethal. I absolutely hate corned beef&cabbage yet somehow got roped into going to a friends place tonight, guess what's on the menu. Gross.
Just met up with my college roommate and his girlfriend for St Pattys Day. Apparently she had a miscarriage on the way to the abortion clinic and he took her to Chilis to cheer her up. I didnt know what to say. Heading back out now. Happy St Pattys TiB.
I can respect that, I am a green eyed as well, and of Chocktaw Indian, German and Irish descent. Good chance I will be inebriated in a few hours. The place I am going has $5 car bombs. Good thing I have a designated driver.