So diamonds are literally the most inflated good in the world. They are controlled by DeBeers who only releases a limited amount every year to keep the price high. They are not rare, but because of what DeBeers does and the fact that they are perceived as a status symbol people are willing to pay insane prices for them.
Not because the diamond itself holds any particular value... but because, over time, there has been a shift to the belief that the diamond is a reflection of the wearer's inherent value rather than what it really is - a piece of jewelry. Therefore, "you should spend 3 months salary on a ring" is actually saying "you should spend a quarter of your annual salary on me because that is a reflection of my monetary value to you". Also - if you don't haggle like crazy for jewelry, you're a fool.
We(his guys friends) cant figure it out for the life of us. There kid is about a year and a half, he hasn't gotten laid to my knowledge since before that. She doesn't suck dick. They are both in there mid to late 20's been together for 7+ years, so i am assuming they started dating pretty close to right after high school.
This. I want to know how attractive she is, and then I realized that most guys who can get beautiful women don't put up with this sort of shit and she's likely underwhelming which makes it even more... Sadly enough, we're going through the issue with one of my good friends now. He's a great guy, sincere and well intentioned, and attractive enough that he shouldn't be scraping for whatever attention he could get. But for whatever reason, through his early to mid 20s, he just didn't have luck with women and his one serious relationship was with a severely damaged chick and it was a clusterfuck. But his biggest problem is that he's a complete pushover. Professionally, socially, etc... After a period of time, he turned to Match, met a girl, and it got serious. We immediately saw red flags with her, but we only said so much. Well, she took his virginity, oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. He was a 26 year old virgin. And then I knew he was playing for keeps cause he told me once it didn't happen by 23-24, might as well wait for "the one". So they were going to move in together, and we came to learn they had a deal/agreement in which he moved to the suburbs. Not to a house with a yard for activities or anything where that sort of move makes sense, but to a condo complex in a bullshit burb a full hour outside of the city. Conveniently located less than 10 minutes from her parents where she lived, save for a 6 month stint in the city during their relationship, which gave her anxiety. She's a teacher at a school semi nearby and has a 10-12 min commute, my buddy has an hour each way into the city for the job which he will absolutely be the primary breadwinner. Including during the summer when she gleefully posts pictures at the pool all day. What was his reward for all of this? Late night food at their wedding this summer...swear to god. He gives up his entire social life for fucking Taco Bell 4th meal. She also makes no effort to befriend any of us more than casually and seems to detest being forced to hang out, she took a Jameson shot forcibly out of his hand on Saturday cause "NO (friend) has to drive us home later!" Yes, they chose not to spend the night in the city during the biggest drinking holiday of the year despite two of his good friends having guest bedrooms nearby. And if we're talking about rings, he had to put refundable deposits down on 4 different rings to bring them around to her family's house so she could try them on and ask her parent's for their take. My heart almost stopped when I heard that. So now, less than 4 months from their wedding and 9 months into his suburban life, he's already getting emotional whenever he gets drunk with us and telling us how much he misses "this", aka just living a normal social life. He had to give up playing in our hockey league on Sundays cause the drive was now 1.5 hours each way and she threw a fit that he was gone so long on Sundays. And there are no kids, pets, or changed circumstances involved, just a selfish uncompromising bitch. So when I hear about stuff like wexton's story, it hits close to home.
It's just a special rock, jewelry can be plastic and found in Cracker Jack boxes too. I just bought a pile of diamonds recently but the industrial type, and in the form of sharpening stones. Can't I just give her some of those? Way more functional than the ring diamonds, like "Hey honey, these are DMTs they'll sharpen forever!"
I think your fiance would me more impressed with you training on this ap for your phone for three months than spending three months salary on a rock.
A good friend of mine bought a house thats an hour and a half away from where he works. Why did he do that? Because thats what he wife wanted. Apparently it doesn't bother her at all that he now has to drive 3 hours a day to and from work in rush hour. She got the house she wanted so she's happy. She's perfectly content letting her husband drive 15 hours a week in traffic so long as she gets to sit in her idyllic home.
Well not really, this hasn't been true for about 30 years. They had a near monopoly for many years, but that hasn't been true in some time. The rise in volume of Canadian, Russian, and Australian diamonds diminished their supply dominance. Diamonds are expensive because 1) demand and 2) they are fucking hard and intensive to mine. Their availability is similar to oil. It is all over the place, but its hard to get to. I once heard that in the diamond mines in Canada, one of the highest volume spots these days, they bring in multiple semis worth of supplies in every week, and bring out less than a coffee can worth of rough diamonds. DeBeers was one of the purest examples of vertical monopolies that ever existed, but most perspectives on their current status/impact on the diamond industry is dated and, frankly, incorrect. Colored gemstones, while "rarer" are far more outrageous from a markup perspective.
Pretty much describes my friend to a tee. His what ever is tall 5’10” danced (jazz,etc.) all through school. Has legs for days. Her body is easily a 10, face is average or slightly above, but her body is to die for, just dam. But he doesn’t get laid, she doesn’t really like sex, she doesn’t suck dick. So nothing even comes close to making since for us. I once called her a whore to our group of friends(with there gf's there that are her friends) when she wasn't there, they looked a little bit shocked, I laid out these points I have talked about here, and said prove me wrong. They didn't say a word. She is actually nice enought to talk to and hang out with, which is why our gf's are still friends with her. But us(his guy friends) pretty much refuse to do much with him when she is around.
She doesn't work outside the home? Man I've been going about shit WAY wrong compared to these bitches!
Is that app for 15 year old boys who only dream about it? Can't I just keep "training" in, on, and around the real thing like I have been? I think she'd be more impressed with that too. *I'd bet that app is just a prank or joke where it secretly turns on the front camera of your phone and broadcasts the feed onto a website that says "HEY LOOK THIS IS HOW ____ THINKS YOU EAT PUSSY HA HA WHAT AN IDIOT!!!" Not like I would do something like that.
At what point does the guy stand up for himself and stop being the female in the relationship? Because when there is nothing left, none of him anymore, it's too fucking late.
I find stories like these both disturbing and comforting. On one hand, even I already knew it, I hate hearing that these types of people exist. Both the extremely exploitative and the pushovers. On the other, at least I know the chicks y'all are talking about are locked down by some other dude and I won't have to deal with them.
This is why the term "pussy whipped" exists. It's exactly that, because there's no other reason to be such a glutton for mental punishment. There is no way that men feel a "need" to be treated like they were scraped off the bottom of boots.
The only thing I can think of worse than these stories of terrible marriages are some of the divorces I have witnessed. Some people will be as awful as possible simply because they can.
Gentlemen (and ladies) - prepare to bring your female counterpart to the heights of passion with your enhanced oral skills... learned by tongue-fucking your smartphone.
Does anybody remember when you fired the gun at the TV and you shot the ducks? Times they are a chaaaaaaaangin'...
I can't wait for the cunnilingus app to pair with the scentee app to really give the user an "authentic experience". "Choose from the drop-down menu - is your e-lady 'mountain fresh', 'raspberry lemonade' or 'rancid tuna'?"