Wait. Stop. Hold the phone. Didn't you just meet this girl for the first time? I'm quite certain you were the one trying to figure out if banging at the airport was a possibility. And she already gave you a ring? And you've already talked marriage?
We've known each other since 8th grade, so not really met for the first time. Just the first time in years. Plus, we've been talking non stop for months now. Obviously we're going to figure out if it works in person for a longer time before we actually do the marriage stuff, but we've talked about where it's headed, yeah. As nuts as it may sound, we're actually both going into this with realistic expectations and plans about how to make both a long distance and normal relationship work. She got me the ring as a semi-joke, I just happen to really like it. Anyway, what I wanted to add on to, was the fucking in the car thing. I would say a bar bathroom is way skeezier than a car. Slippery, nasty surfaces, people in and out constantly. At least in a car you're in a semi-contained semi-private environment. Cleaner, too.
Didn't you just meet this girl in person a month ago? Edit: I see my question has been answered. I have a follow up. Are you insane?
Didn't you just meet this girl in person a month ago? Edit: I see my question has been answered. I have a follow up. Are you insane?[/quote] He is employed/deployed by the military in some fashion. These types of relationships, to my knowledge, are fairly common......
I don't think I'm going to follow some arbitrary bullshit rule for how much to spend on the ring. If you think that stuff really matters, I probably don't think your opinions really matter either. I should probably get used to this kind of stuff once we actually get engaged. Then once we're married the questions shift to kids, right? Shit. I'm fighting the temptation to make a run for the mountains.
He is employed/deployed by the military in some fashion. These types of relationships, to my knowledge, are fairly common......[/quote] I've only recently been introduced to military relationship fucked-uppedness thanks to this place. Isn't this what breeds a Dependapotomus? Marry them immediately and then demand entitlement while feigning effort?
Pictures like this make me wistful. How many at-the-time marginal girls did I pass up in high-school that grew up to be absolute stunners? To think I could've locked one down. Then again, it probably wouldn't turned out as well in real life as it would have in my head.
I don't usually post on threads on this board but I'm posting now to dispel some myths: - the myth that jewellers are rich. They really aren't. The ones who are are the ones who ridiculously overcharge and make other jewellers look bad. The jewellery industry itself has large overheads (e.g. permits required to operate and trade. high and fluctuating costs of metals and stones, etc.). Quite often you'll find that a jeweller will do a quote, get approved for doing a job and by the time the metal is bought, the price has changed, more often going up and killing any profit the jeweller can make. I'm not sure of too many other industries that have to deal with prices that fluctuate on a daily basis. - the myth that diamonds are expensive. Really, like anything, larger diamonds are more expensive because they're more difficult to locate and process than small diamonds. Also, the cut of the stone as well as the clarity of the stone will be determining factors on the price. A 2 carat diamond that is clarity IF or VVS1 you're going to pay through the ass for. For most people, a VS1 stone is great and has flaws not visible to the naked eye. Wikipedia's guide is pretty good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_clarity and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_cut - most of what they say about the cut of the stone can be applied to other stones, too. Also, the size of the stone can be determined by the design of the ring and also on the finger size of the person wearing it - some cuts or sizes of stones are impractical or ridiculous on some rings. Some stones are simply shit, eg. tanzanite. Do not buy that crap. Not only are they expensive but if you drop your ring on the floor, that stone is likely to shatter. Rather check out sapphires, garnets, rubys, etc. Also, kids: Rhodium plate your rings. Makes them shiny and it's inexpensive and only should be done every few years.
This is starting to sound like my buddy who moved 90 minutes away from work... Some background. He was in the Army, so was she, they met in Germany. She was an MP. They were both in their 30's when they met, I'm thinking she saw her friends get married and she figured my friend was OK enough, and I think she may have been one of the first people to really touch him so he figured fuck it. Kids, the basis of a good marriage is settling for whats available.
It's pretty much the exact opposite of that the other 99 times. The minute you say "fuck it" when it comes to a decision like kids or marriage is the exact moment that you signed your life over to misery.
Yea, I know people in the military tend to marry young. All the more reason my buddy and his wife settled once they hit 30ish. A good hockey friend of mine got married young to a pretty young girl. Later on in life, she proceeded to cheat on my Marine friend with someone in the Navy, he found the emails describing how happy she was to get laid. Instead of divorcing her, they had another kid. Problem solved.
This is true. And they start pumping out kids young. The whole military wife thing is interesting. You marry young, you go somewhere you know NO ONE, and generally, you're in a place with low job opportunity. What do you do? Watching girls navigate that path is fascinating. Some take it as motivation to go to school and get a degree (usually in nursing, or something they can use where ever they wind up stationed). Others take it as an insurmountable obstacle, and use it as an excuse to suck resources.
So I just recently turned 35 and it doesn't look like I'll be settling down anytime soon. If I was a woman, I understand the proper protocol would be to get a bunch of cats, but I'm a guy. Should I be growing my hair out so I can get a combover going and investing in cheap cologne?
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