Yea, that was a cheap shot, little offended I need to say I'm not a misogynist. Hell I just reconciled with my mom after many years of not talking to her. I just grew up with bad female role models (mom, and both grandma's were emotionally abusive, dependent drunks), working on getting over that now.
Maybe not with their snatch, but they put out with their heart. Isn't that enough? Plus I heard its a great place to go if you're into butt stuff.
He found her at a Bill Cosby Fan Meet-up. Derp. Although, it gives new meaning to the fudge Jello Pudding Pop.
These were reasons for admission to an insane asylum from the late 1800s: Good to know that they considered being Kicked In The Head By A Horse akin to Asthma and Deranged Masturbation. Also, Seduction and Disappointment - so, if you hit on someone and they turned you down, you were institutionalized?
The Mom and Pop jeweler isn't a rich man, but the chain of jewelery stores is. Expensive jewelry is relatively slow moving, so if you have an expensive diamond you can't sell, you're stuck with an expensive piece of inventory for awhile. Fortunately it doesn't depreciate in store, but during the height of the recession, jewelery stores got killed cause you're sitting on a bunch of expensive merchandise that you can't move. I'm sure its similar to furniture or electronics, expensive but slow moving inventory in a bad economy. When you have multiple stores, you have economies of scale with buying and can rotate goods, but a single store owner, unless he has a dedicated customer base and alot of referrals, usually isn't killing it. Hence why his stone is going to be priced more than Zales or Jared's, cause he needs to rake on the smaller number of sales. Its funny, people think there is a ton of money in diamonds. Its really back and front weighted. If you're a source of diamonds, usually a large scale cutter, you take a nice markup cause you've turned rough into something sellable. But then each time it changes hands until the retailer, there isn't much markup cause there is a pretty established scale for wholesale diamond pricing (there are 2 different industry price lists that get distributed weekly, aggregating going rates). But once the retailer buys it, its up to whatever the customer will pay. I worked for a hot minute at a diamond wholesaler that had revenues of $10-$12MM a year..but probably only grossed around a million with 10-12 employees. It was terrible margin. Now take a ruby, some dude buys it in Thailand for $20, and by the time it changes hands 3 times getting to the US, its now a couple thousand dollar stone. But since the market is so much smaller, the pricing forces are lesser and don't do much to keep that in check.
I like how "women trouble" is on there. If that were the case, every single person on the planet would be admitted. Because the definition is so loose. Speaking of loose...does that fall under "women trouble"?
Politics and Religious Enthusiasm are reasons. Pity this is a no politics place because the jokes I could make......
No idea, but if you masturbate for 30 years then you can be confined. I'm not quite at 30 years of masturbation, but I'm getting there.