As a rule of thumb, unless you're a black man over the age of 50 who also happens to sing the blues don't wear a fedora. Although there is a restauraunt here where all the waitresses have to wear hats and for some reason this really smoking hot one wears a fedora. She looks ridiculous in it and I can't take her seriously at all.
I think that's brilliant. And I think that, ultimately, they'll remember you for being the ONE person who didn't blow smoke up their asses about their collective potential and future. My class had 26 people in it. I've seen two of them in the past 10 years. One of my childhood best friends grew up to become an addict...then a born again Christian. Another is in an awful marriage with a man whose whole purpose seems to be waiting to die. She's in the horrible position of having a terminally ill husband who doesn't have to be terminally ill but won't lift a finger to keep himself from dying, and they have three kids together. I hate it for her. The rest I see on Facebook from time to time, and...well. They weren't my friends then...I don't want to have beers with them now.
I don't keep it in touch with many people from high school mostly because I didn't like many people in west palm beach. I am however, Facebook friends with a girl I had a crush on in high school who was always the bad girl who thought she was so fucking cool. I used to buy her and her friends cigarettes. Unsurprisingly she amounted to nothing and now she's all holistic and into yoga and models. She has a couple kids. And the only reason I look at her Facebook is because she models nude. And I've found some of them. Not too shabby. Kept a natural look to her. I can get behind it. When I'm not posting from my phone I will link to some of the photos. Daddy will deliver.
I went to find pictures of Justin Timberlake and Ne-Yo to prove you wrong, but decided that even though I like them both and respect their personal styles, they look fashionable in spite of the fedora, not because of it. As for the HS stuff, its not just white trash, failures. I went to an affluent HS in a nice suburb and everyone went off to college. The difference was, good amounts of the "popular" kids transferred back for a variety of reasons and now all ended up in Milwaukee. Every time I go back and go out to bars, cause the main bar district is pretty small, I, without fail, see 10-15 people I knew from HS, hanging out with the same HS people. Thanks to Facebook, I see that is not an isolated incident. Its cool to have your oldest friends, your HS crew, I have 2 friends from HS that I am extremely close with, but these people havent branched out or changed at all since 2003. That "Just Friends" movie with Ryan Reynolds where he returns to his hometown after becoming a hot shot stud music exec in LA and everyone looks at him different than the fat loser he was in HS? Yeah, nothing like that. I couldn't be more different than I was when I graduated, but people treat me exactly the same, including girls that haven't aged well thinking they are too good to talk to me cause they had a nice ass when they were 17 or ex athletes who got fat after their D3 football careers ended thinking they are still hot shit cause the aforementioned girls still clamor to blow them. Its all dumb and frankly not worth my time.
Driving home from the pet store, I realized I'm damn close to 20 years out from graduation from HS. Gross.
You don't have to be musically talented to realize that cover sucks fat fucking donkey dick. It's funny because esquire trips over that same donkey dick in the form of sucking on that girl's proverbial donkey dick of talent to try and relate how ow so awesome she is. Funny to me it sounded insanely trite, overdone to the max, and insincere as hell. She isn't half as good as she think she is either listen to Closer and tell me it isn't just a shitty beat box remix with one of the least talented asian singers you'll ever hear (seriously any KTV frequenting Korean or filipino would blow her ass out of the water vocally).
Oh yeah they're still way better than you, even though they're already getting wrinkles at age 25 from so much tanning. Yeah keep it up. I'm headed back to my hometown on Saturday because my sister is visiting our parents, and if I venture out of their home it'll be to visit close friends I've remained in contact with. One just got a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, I have to see it. Every trip to the same old bars becomes a shitty impromptu reunion I don't want to have in the first place. *Side note, I am reminded of this today as the rest of my co-workers are huddled around a computer watching games:
Yes, it sucks. I wanted punch a baby on the NIN cover. She isn't even that talented compared to people I personally know. Esquire already completely fucking sucks, this is just more proof. They wouldn't know good music if it took a shit on their face. She is not awesome, that's over-produced dreck and she can barely sing at a karaoke skill level. Esquire must be really reaching for filler these days, and that's a magazine that's 50% advertisements.
Speaking of getting old it was almost twenty years ago that Kurt Cobain blew his fucking brains out (apparently he had the foresight to avoid the shitty Nirvana cover by a self important Hawai'ian, who knew). They just released some unpublished death scene pics. Nothing graphic but I guess I never learned the anti-consumerist message he was sending, or grunge in general touted. Cause all I thought when I saw them was: Dang I want them shades.