Re: 2 + 2 = potato I just give everybody a hundred dollar tip regardless of what the meal was. Am I doing it right?
My senior year high school calculus teacher used to grade our assignments, put them in order, then give the highest score a 100, the next one a 99, the next a 98, and so on. We only had six of us in that class, so the guy who often got every problem wrong finished with a 94. Our salutatorian tested into remedial algebra in college.
I'd have accepted that grade system because.. well, who wouldn't... but I'd still ask him what my actual grade was. I'm on board with report card fraud, but deluding myself into thinking I was good at something would really suck when I found out I actually didn't know fuck all if I ever actually need it.
Another reason I was transferred to Catholic school. At my public school a 80% was a B, and a 3.0, in Catholic school it was a 2.7. I really wish I was in your math class though, that would've really helped out my GPA.
Now I'm perfect in so many ways, but I hold grudges like no one I know. So when it comes to the that convinced me to move to NY, then cheated on me with a fat white dude... the hate burns strong. Not only did I move for her, but the school went to increased my overall tuition by 40K, and not only missed all the great fun happening back in Chicago. I would love to hear that she got hit by lightning. Nothing but complete hate and disdain for this chick. With all that said, we're still Facebook friends. She posted her wedding registry on FB. I had a thought "I should find something about $10 and send a note with it just to fuck with her." I think it'd be hilarious. Am I crazy or is there some possible humor there?
Crazy, you're walking into a situation where you're doing something you think is funny but others may perceive it as awkward/creepy and stalkerish.
A little late, but my fiance is an early education major. They are forcing her to learn that fuckery. Every time she hitches about it. I look at the problem get totally confused by whatever the fuck it is she is supposed to be doingdoing and weep for the future students that are supposed to learn this shit. Half the problems she gets handed can be solved in your head but the retarded ass method is what she is supposed to focus on.
9th grade I was in a private school doing college level work. I got super stressed (missed a couple weeks, could NOT catch up with the work load, it was more than I ever had in college possibly combined) and transferred to public school. 9th grade private has American Government on the curriculum, which is a senior course in public school. So I was placed as a freshman in a senior course. Half the class had already failed the first semester. The teacher made it open notes, open book for tests. At the end of the year I was the only A. A significant chunk of seniors failed it. How useless do you have to be to not copy the notes you can use on the test? The teacher threw that course just so people had no excuse not to fail and they did anyway. Personally, when presented with such a glaring showing of such stupidity and willful ignorance, I think those that failed should have been beaten to death in the public square. Welcome to the future. I'd do it. So her friends think you're an asshole. Big fucking whoop. They're no doubt just as shitty as she is. It'd be a great FU joke. On the other hand, why bother giving the whore any thought? If anything write the husband a warning letter attached to a pack of condoms.
Not to turn the topic away from math, but katokoch's R&R struck a chord with me. Do women still have the "when are we going to get engaged" and "here's how much you should spend on my ring" conversations? That makes me so irrationally angry. It's so presumptuous and arrogant and egotistical. And, while I'm sure Potential-Future-Mrs.-Katokoch is a lovely woman*, my honest first inclination (were I Present-Mr.-Katokoch) would be to dump her and move on. Seriously. So mad right now. *I'm sorry, katokoch. I'm not speaking specifically of your fiance - I know other people who have had this conversation within the last few months and it grated on me then too. I use you and your potential-future-fiance as an example purely for the convenience of your recent post.
And you have to do it that way, too (because fuck you!). In high school math, I used my own intuited math skills, and I'd get the right answer. But of course you have to show your work, and then I'd only get half a mark, because the work I was showing wasn't the Illuminati approved method. I averaged around 70% in all my math courses, but if we were being graded on our answers, it probably would've been around 85%. Fucking Illuminati.
I should have included with my post, she initially said when we talked that she thought it was ridiculous how much some spend on the wedding itself and materialism, etc. On Saturday night she said maybe $1k on a ring was more reasonable, which didn't sound nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Then she texted me again this morning saying "Bad news, our initial estimate was off" and followed up with the "3 month salary" info. She didn't say "spend this much," rather she said "some say they cost this much." Also we have discussed marriage before, like two years ago before she moved here, but she is also considering buying a house or something and I am moving again soon so the conversation was as much about how and where we are going to live in the near-ish future. It's okay Angel I understand what you're saying. I don't think her bringing it up was inappropriate, it just took me by surprise. I almost dropped a perfectly good pan of venison meatballs.
The funny thing is that "3 month salary" in and of itself is a completely useless statement. What salary are you using? Or is it merely a "low income people get these rings, medium income people get these, and rich people can have these" kind of thing?
I kind of understand that though. Its not Illuminati, its laying a framework for building. I don't know what sort of math you're referring to, but I find it hard to believe you were solving Calculus or the like with intuition. You can easily size up a semi-difficult algebra problem without a full written out process, but when those equations get complex further along, if you don't have the methodology right, you're gonna struggle and right answers would more amount to educated guesses. So they want to make sure you understand the process. And since its HS math, its not like its some backwards ass way of doing addition and subtraction like we were discussing before, I get the need for work and process centric approaches at higher levels, hence why you could get partial credit without the actual answer. And to prevent kids from just fucking cheating. Unrelated, this popped on at the bar I went to for St Paddys Day on Saturday. I think it was some weird quirk in a Spotify playlist, but damn if it isn't fire despite me not understanding any of it.
"Apparently a very common guide for how much to spend is 3 months of your salary." That was the message. I haven't responded yet, which can say just as much.
I was at a party last night. Group is aging club chicks. They're starting to hit late 20s, early 30s. Lines and waistlines are starting to catch up because none of them know what moderation is. Not hating on that, I'm guilty too, just saying what social group they fall in. One girl, a chemist with a real career (who was also flashing her tits while someone recorded on their I-phone) said my friend needed a better boyfriend. I made the crack "If he's not making 250k a year, forget that scrub." Girl completely agreed with me, without irony, without sensing my sarcasm. This chick is only amusing because she's a loud, abrasive mess. So I found it hilarious she is purposely seeking out someone for a divorce. All of her earmarks for a good mate are based 100% not on the quality of the person, she is not seeking any qualities she lacks. It's also funny a $60k a year gal needs a sugar daddy. So, yes, this still happens. I lucked out. There is a family ring I don't have to spend a dime on. If there is any nonsense about how much needs to be spent, or any murmurings of unappreciative nature, a couple people will suddenly be single. I like to think I wouldn't marry, let alone date, someone that rotten.