She did shit ton of cocaine, fucked her way through the ROTJ crew, and kind of went bonkers for a while. Not Margot Kidder bonkers, but just hard partying. She looks like shes pushing 80. Harrison Ford on the other hand is over 70 and still looks great.
It was the exact same story though. My thought is, when some place like AFI makes a top 100 best movies list, would this even be top 100 of all time? Top 10 all time action movie?
Nope, it won't be in any "top x" lists. But it's a continuation of one of my favourite stories done well, and I'm ok with that.
You'd be surprised the people I've known who smoke way more than that and are over 300 pounds. Anyway, I don't get the Carrie Fisher hate. She looks like an old woman, but you know, that happens when you get old. Granted, she isn't ancient yet, but how many women make the masses drool when they're just a few months shy of 60? I didn't think she looked that bad all things considered. Also, Harrison Ford looked pretty old to me. Good for his age, but dude did not look like a spring chicken. And... I loved his performance for the most part, but if you ask me the only actor who could ever be geriatric and still flawlessly pull off being a bad ass is Clint Eastwood. The man is the definition of manly.
Cool, as long as you acknowledge that every cheeseburger on a fast food menu has a beef patty and cheese and a bun. Because that totally needs to be pointed out.
I saw it for a second time and liked it a little better. My dad, who never gets emotional, got teary-eyed when Han Solo died as if someone just put a bullet through the head of his childhood-self.
I saw it for a second time and liked it a little better. My dad, who never gets emotional, got teary-eyed when Han Solo died as if someone just put a bullet through the head of his childhood-self.
Well, then you totally should not watch Silent Witness, where she's naked on a table and gets all autopsied and stuff.
Did the original trilogy have blood? This was 10x better than episodes 1-3 and probably twice as good as return of the jedi. I don't think it stands up to The Empire Strikes Back or A New Hope. It may have stood up to A New Hope if it didn't have the same basic plot line. I actually like Kylo Ren being a moody SOB because it gave his character some depth. It took three movies to make you realize Vader wasn't just a portrait of evil. Some questions I would love to have answered- Who is the guy that had the missing piece of the map? Who is Rey? Who is the new supreme leader guy, and how did he rise to power? I'm sure question 2 gets answered in a Luke I am Your Father type way.
Look we have government agencies that set the standards of what the meat can consist of and what it can be called. This helps the general public trust that they are getting what they pay for and lets us all know we are on the same page. I might just have to petition the government for similar clarity.
Lor San Tekka? And, not just who left Rey on Jakku, but who was she left with in the flashback? Because, doesn't that mean she was left / orphaned / ran away twice? If Rey speaks (or at least understand) Wookiee, how did she learn? Or, does she simply understand the way we do with gestures and context? Maybe enhanced by her Force power. And, how did Maz get the lightsaber, since it fell into the mist of Cloud City?
Now, see what you guys did? You went and hurt her feelings. Some people were just mean. Personally, I didn't expect her to still rock the bikini, or not get old, and don't care if she's put on weight since then. I just didn't think she did a very good job playing Leia, this time around. She seemed completely uninterested in playing the part. It would've been easier if she just said "no" to doing the film, and have JJ & Co work around her absence. Mark Hamill didn't even say anything, and his performance was more interesting in Force Awakens than hers.
This is my new favorite Rey theory:
George Lucas created this wonderful universe, story, and characters. And, he was able to express his art, while making a bajillionty million dollars. He should just quietly let that be enough. But, no, in addition to gacking it up in the three prequels, he has to go and take a dump on how well JJ and Kathleen Kennedy have handled the new film. Yes. Yes, you would.
No shit he doesn't like it. People loved it way more then EP1,2,3(which he had full control over) and some people liked it better then Ep6(which he was starting to have more control over). He hates that people like it better then his own work.
I've seen the movie three times now in different venues - drive-in first, then IMAX 3D, then standard theater. Each time I've seen it a different part has made me choke up. The last time it was when BB8 pulled the cover off R2D2. Shit, it felt like seeing a long-lost friend. A robot character in some movie should not make a middle-aged guy feel that way, but if you saw the original movies in theaters and had the action figures and grew up making light saber and blaster sounds, you know what I mean. I was 7 when the original came out. I don't care to debate the merits of the movie; if a movie can make me feel like that while I watch it, bring back those memories, I'd say it's a pretty damn good movie.
Saw it again last night. Still liked it. Spoiler Daniel Craig is the Stormtrooper who Rey convinces to let her go and drop his weapon. I didn't notice any number or mark in the film, but IMDB shows him as JB-007.