In this video, actions speak louder than words. Could you have BEEN more public when you decided to smoke a chick, friend? Response: instant and from all sides.
Anti Focus- I bet she's driving a jeep liberty, with fuckin 15's on it. The fuckin pipe is in the front seat, the fuckin bucket of KFC is in the back with the fuckin ben and jerry's and fuckin grape soda. You know what? I'm a fuckin blue belt in BJJ and I never saw anything that fuckin lethal. I think her name might be MC Fat ginger bitch.
I don't play World Of Warcraft, so I didn't know what a "ninja loot" is. Apparently, it's a trick so devious that it makes fully grown men say shit like THIS (as if his voice isn't funny enough on its own): "Fuckin' want those BOOTS, man!!!"
Women goes completely crazy over missed flight. (Don't watch while hung over due to high pitched screams (shudders).
How can someone get so bent out of shape from what is essentially the same 4 or 5 comments? Also if it's the woman's ventrilo server, why not just ban the guy, don't most voip chat programs let you do that? Frankly it's her own fault for putting up with it for what seems to be like an hour.
Oh look! Rainbows! For the 9th time! Wow! This video has been posted a few times in the last 1-2 pages. Please make an effort to at least review the last few pages to see if the latest viral-vid-of-the-day has been posted. I realize it's almost impossible to search this thread because of nonexistent video descriptions, but even a quick little review of the tail end of the thread would go a long way.