What was the mystery item in the Showcase Showdown? Focus: an ink blot in the shape of my ex boyfriend's left testicle
What is the worst baby shower present Angel received? Focus: A bowling ball, an open umbrella and a running chainsaw.
What is the unnecessary millennial re-make of Mary Poppins starring Bruce Campbell? Focus: Kaitlyn Jenner hand delivering a bag of soft Mexican cheese.
Where did I end up taking a shit after the seafood platter I had last night? (and I actually did stop at a Walmart to do it) Focus: Cuddling an aborted fetus.
What does #24 call his dick? Focus: a roll of duct tape, fourteen hairs from a Puerto Rican stripper's taint and $25,000 in small bills.
What is a thing the Americans have been incorrectly labeling as "ham" for years? Focus: two turn tables and a microphone